Important info sec on national security government innovation portfolio from Raj Sharma.
TEDx | Deep market intelligence and smashing barriers are my superpowers | Connecting Public Sector with Emerging/Underserved Companies and Communities is my mission | Helping people is my only measure of success
PSF's Latest Govt Innovation Portfolio includes 45,045 companies, based on our latest analysis. Which startups, emerging companies and even traditionals make up the government emerging tech portfolio? Which categories do they belong to? Which use cases are they addressing Which funding sources are they winning? Some quick insights (numbers overlap) - 39k companies through Grants - 1449 through OTAs - 10,266 through SBIR/STTR Number of Companies: 19k Biotech 14.5k Clean Energy 3.9k Advanced Materials 2.2k Robotics and Advanced Mfg 3.5k AI/Autonomy PSF's Market Insights Ecosystem Subscription: if you are interested in getting access to all our reports, dashboards, sprints and more, we have some End of Year offers. DM me. Happy Holidays! #emergingtech #defensetech #defenseinnovation Mike Slagh Jake Chapman Brooke Pyne G. Nagesh R. Greg Lewis Ryan Connell
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