The Mongolian landscape changes remarkably between seasons, shifting from a winter scene dominated by sand and bare rocks to a vibrant summer environment rich in biodiversity, offering breathtaking views. This habitat is vital for the Pallas's cat, one of our target species, as it provides both shelter and food. However, a significant threat to its survival likely stems from intensive livestock grazing in the area. In fact, overgrazing and overtrampling reduce the availability of prey, impacting the cat’s food resources. - photo credit: Valentina De Noia & Wildlife Initiative Supported by Parajumpers Officialpage, Zoo de Beauval, Zoo de Trégomeur, irbis.mongolia, Snow Leopard Conservancy, and PICA Project. visit: - #wildlifeinitiative #wildlife #species #wildspecies #nature #wildnature #ecosystem #environment #biodiversity #ecology #habitat #research #wildliferesearch #conservation #wildlifeconservation #monitoring #wildlifemonitoring #mammals #mammalia #carnivores #predators #felids #felidae #wildcat #pallascat #otocolobusmanul #mongolia #asia
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