What is your greatest challenge❓️ Do you know the biggest reason people don't get help when they are facing challenges 1. They don't believe things can change, so why bother 2. What if I invest and it doesn't work for me 3. I am different from other people Answer 1 Your choices are yours. The question is how bad does it need to get before you're forced to change Answer 2 What if it does? How amazing will that be, and I guarantee results so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain Answer 3 Yes, you are, and that is why you already have the answers. My job is to help you find them and then move forward. I had the same fears but waited until I was suicidal and then didn't get the help I needed. Make Your Life Count was created just for you because I know the pain and I know what is required to step out of that valley. Only you though can make the choice to get in touch. Don't wait like I did - Book your free consultation today https://lnkd.in/efQ_Vj-D
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SEVEN TYPES OF PEOPLE TO AVOID! 1. WHEELBARROW PEOPLE: These people drain your energy and waste your time. They always want you to do everything for them and don't care about your well-being. They only care about their own problems. 2.MOSQUITO PEOPLE:These people only want to take from you and give nothing in return. They seek benefits but never add value. They praise you when they need something and talk behind your back otherwise. 3.CAFFOLDING PEOPLE: These people help you but then try to control your life. They want to be in charge and never let you shine on your own. Their help is only useful for a short time, so know when to let them go. 4.CROCODILE PEOPLE:These people are pretenders and liars. They get close to learn your secrets and use them against you later. They pretend to be friendly but have bad intentions. 5.CHAMELEON PEOPLE: These people are jealous and envious. They secretly compete with you and never celebrate your success. They may try to sabotage your efforts and dreams. 6.NAYSAYER PEOPLE: These people are dream killers. They never support your dreams and always find reasons why you will fail. They focus on your mistakes and create problems instead of solutions. 7.GARBAGE PUSHER PEOPLE: These people spread negativity and bad news. They have nothing good to offer and always talk about unfortunate events. They love to share discouraging information. NOTE: It’s important to recognize these types of people in your life. Your life will improve when you connect with positive people and disconnect from negative ones. Am I clear?
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You're struggling and suffering because you refuse to take responsibility for your life. You keep complaining and constantly blaming others for your problems. You believe that circumstances holds you back from success and happiness. You blame people who are serious about their lives and businesses. You blame your wealthy friends, family, and uncles for abandoning you. You complain about sacrifices you made for others. You complain and blame everyone for your misfortunes. You remain stagnated and lack progress. You are dependent on others for financial support. You Expect others to prioritize your needs. The truth is, you are the problem in your life. Your refusal to take responsibility is the reason for your constant struggles. Take responsibility for your actions and decisions. Stop complaining and blaming people. Focus on self-development and personal growth. Focus on your vision. Take positive action and achieve a good life. Until you take full responsibility for your life, you'll remain stuck. It's time to break free and create the life you desire. Learn from experienced people. Learn to trade Trade to learn EsomGod Cares ✨️
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I know we all need a supportive shoulder to rely on, but we must ensure that those shoulders support our goals without dictating who we should be. Be cautious that some individuals may offer help not solely for your benefit, but because they see potential in you that will aid them in achieving their own objectives. They may even manipulate you into feeling inadequate and dependent on them, making you believe that you cannot succeed without their assistance. Remember, everyone has a unique purpose in life, and understanding your purpose before seeking advice will prevent you from being misled by those with ulterior motives. As young individuals, we often seek guidance from successful people to shape our futures. We fear that navigating life alone might lead to failure. However, it's crucial to understand that life is a journey, and each step we take helps us discover our true selves. Be patient and self-aware, and don't let others mold you. Instead, we should mold ourselves by taking control of our journey and making intentional decisions to achieve our goals. Don't let people mold you, you have the power to shape your own life by navigating through it wisely. Before seeking help, take the time to understand your purpose and know who you truly are, so you can make informed decisions and avoid being used for others' benefit. ❤️Moral lessons.❤️ 💎Be cautious of those who offer help: Be aware of others' intentions and don't rely solely on them. 💎Know your purpose: Understand yourself and your goals before seeking advice. 💎Don't let others define your worth: Recognize your inherent value and don't let others make you feel worthless. 💎Take ownership of your journey: Be proactive and patient in navigating life's challenges. 💎Empower yourself: Take control of your life and shape your own destiny. If this is your first time coming across my post, let's connect and learn together. #RhodaAsare #Lifelessons🔥
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Heartbreak can be a tough pill to swallow, but it's also an opportunity to refocus on the most important person in your life: YOU ❤️ When someone walks away after breaking your heart, it's easy to get caught up in the hurt. But here's the truth – they don't warrant your time or respect. Instead, double down on yourself 🧠 Channel that pain into progress. Whether it's building a stronger body, sharpening your mind, advancing your career, or improving your financial situation, every step you take towards bettering yourself is a step away from the past 💪🏽 Focus on what makes you a better man. Embrace the journey of self-improvement and become the best version of yourself. If you need guidance on this path, don't hesitate to drop me a message. I'm here to help you transform your life 👑 Stay resilient and keep moving forward ➡️ Phoenix ME Lauren Rimmer Shane P. Mahi Paul Whitnell
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Take a moment to reflect: What hard choice have you been avoiding? • Is it time to wake up early? ⏰ • Is it important to focus on your health? 🌿 • Is it helpful to learn a new skill today? 📖 • Is it necessary to leave toxic relationships? 🚪 • Is it time to take action on your dreams? 💭 Successful people aren’t born different; they’ve simply mastered the art of making tough decisions consistently. Life will always present challenges. The key is whether you face them now or let them grow into bigger obstacles later. Start today. Take the harder path and trust the process. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it🙌 Your future self will thank you💖
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Even when God blesses you with abundant opportunities, it's up to you to determine your outcome. As the proverb goes, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink." A person lacking discipline, despite having access to the best resources, will end up a failure. It's crucial to recognize that success requires effort, dedication, and perseverance. John.9.4 (NKJV) "I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work." Time is fleeting, and opportunities are limited. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Remember, you won't be young forever. Don't be like Ephraim, who failed to seize the opportunity for life when it presented itself. Take advantage of the chances you have, and don't let them slip away. While taking care of your mental health is important, it's equally important to prioritize your future. As the Bible warns in Proverbs 6:10_11 (MSB) "A nap here, a nap there, a day off here, a day off there, sit back, take it easy--do you know what comes next? 11. Just this: You can look forward to a dirt-poor life, poverty your permanent houseguest!" In conclusion, your success is in your hands. Take responsibility, stay disciplined, and make the most of your time. Prioritize your future, and don't let opportunities slip away. Remember, your choices today will shape your tomorrow.
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Anger is a natural part of life, but for so many of us, it’s like a volcano waiting to erupt. We either push it down until we explode, or we let it spill out in ways that harm us and others. But when you allow yourself to feel and release anger without shame or judgement, the storm passes through. True emotional freedom, in turn, a feeling of depth in life, comes from learning to acknowledge these feelings, let them flow, and then release them. Imagine a life where anger, frustration, and stress don’t hold you back. Imagine a life where you’re not only free from your reactions but could choose every action i.e. genuinely at peace with yourself. Ready for a life game-changer? Clients face into and let go of what’s not serving as I work with them. If you’re ready to 10x the feeling of depth in your life and relationships in months instead of years, drop me a DM so we can open up the possibilities for you. This is for high-achieving people who are ready to step into a life far deeper than monetary success. Follow me on Instagram https://lnkd.in/eKTMTTJE
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Sip on these 7 truths today 🥤"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight — it's the size of the fight in the dog." _Dwight D. Eisenhower_ Your skin, size or age doesn't matter go out and fight for your tomorrow. 🥤 Here's is what will trigger your whole life change ⚖️ Don't wish for less problem wish for more SKILLS ⚖️ Don't wish for less challenge wish for more WISDOM ⚖️ Don't wish it were easier wish your were BETTER _Jim Rohn_ 🥤 The surest prediction of life is that YOU CAN do more than you've done. YOU CAN be more than you have been and YOU Can make your current situation better than what it is now. _George Ikenna_ 🥤 I fear not the man who has practiced 10000 kicks once. I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10000 times. _Bruce Lee_ "The power of focusing on one thing at a time" 🥤 Everybody hopes things get better -poor people hope too - that ought to tell you something. It means that the future doesn't get better by mere hoping... It gets better by plan. -- not just plan but: Planing your work and WORKING your plan _Jim Rohn_ 🥤 Learn principals not strategy Learn the basics and stop looking for the latest goldmine, cheat sheet to copy or template to hack. _George Ikenna_ 🥤 The 4 wealth principles 1) Condition your mindset for wealth 2) Learn a VALUABLE skill 3) Be productive (sell the skill) 3) Obey the law of increase (SPEND Less of what you earn) _Apostle Joshua Selman_
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Your MINDSET is your biggest ASSET. A few nuggets: - Normalize walking some paths alone. Success and dreams are personal. - Your life is 100% your responsibility. No one is coming to save you. - The most difficult mission on earth is to focus on your dreams. The easiest task is to complain. - Your current job does not care enough about you. They only pay you enough to fulfill their own dream. - Your life partner remains to be your greatest financial, physical and emotional decision. Marry wrong and you will suffer forever. - To realize the value of your life, you need to grow alone. - If you continue waiting for the right time, you will waste your whole life, and nothing will happen - Maturity comes from acknowledging that you know nothing and taking time to learn from everyone. - Worrying about what someone else is thinking, saying or doing will not make your life better. - Nobody is paying much attention about you now. So why belabor about your mistakes. Learn from them. - The person you see in the mirror has gone through tough times and is still standing. This person deserves the very best from you. Credits @MindMatterMoney
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Thank you for the share Jenn Drummond! This right here is so massively important. Putting any trauma neatly in a box might help by using "coping" mechanisms or processes, but "coping" is only intended to be temporary to get you through the immediate moment. (Like being in the middle of it on the mountain.) It should be backed up with solid "processing techniques" to actually do the work UNDERNEATH the trauma. When we can create ways to give the mind closure and safety, it releases all the resources it's been using to protect us from whatever subconscious fears are stored with the trauma. Processing will never change the actual events, but it can change the story and associations in your mind by releasing the emotional charge that stores the memory. Processing helps us to reconnect to our higher brain functions so we can think clearly and act accordingly, instead of like some wild animal scared of some unseen force. Thanks again Jenn! #EmotionalProcessing #TraumaRelease How I Can Help: If you want some 1:1 help, book a Free Breakthrough Session. (Limited Spots Available for my 1:1 Accelerator Program) 👉 https://lnkd.in/gBu2p4aG If you have questions first, or think we might be a good fit for networking or collabs, book a Connection Session. 👉 https://lnkd.in/gMpzUDAy 📌 Like this? Subscribe at https://lnkd.in/g53cRfZz In my FREE newsletter High-Achievers Breakthrough!, I provide Daily Insights & Breakthrough Tips For More Authentic Impact & Presence. 👇 Read The Article. Share Your Thoughts! ♻️ Repost this to your network to inspire others. 👇 Tap to read more! 👇
Exited Entrepreneur Turned World Record-Holding Mountaineer & Speaker | Leadership Insights from the Trenches | Author | Mom of 7
When I landed in LA, after climbing K2, I checked myself into a hotel for 3 days. Unyoking all the trauma before I allowed myself to fly home. A friend had died in an avalanche, another fell into a crevasse, some experienced permanent frostbite damage, others- stitches because of being pinched between boulders. It was a disaster at every level. You see, a part of you will be frozen in your traumas, if you don’t do the work. We are obligated to do the work. Avoidance will not only stunt your growth but also your life. Peel apart the past, get granular. Double down on what worked and let go of what didn’t. Get your parts back, define the situation, and decide how to move forward. You define your life.
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