Goals are healthy and make us use our brains in different ways.
Achievement in one area of life often will affect the other areas in one way or another, so it's good to set our goals across multiple life areas.
To me, this encourages harmony across the different domains we embody as humans; mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, physical, social.
In other words, 'the rising tide lifts all ships.'
Neglect in one domain may hinder progress in another. So we want to envision and plan success in all areas.
It's also fun to imagine into the future. Who do we want to grow into and what do we wish to experience? How are we going to make our world a better place?
There is something very special about writing down goals and taking inventory of our psychology and resources.
As the old saying goes, 'a goal not in writing is just a wish.'
With this in mind, if you'd like a few prompting questions to assist your goal setting, planning, and reflecting, this worksheet is for you!
Dare to dream, always persist, and remember, 'Goals Make Destiny' 😉
Half way through the year, is it time to check in on your goals?
Fresh on our Shop, this is your planning template for turning your dreams into reality.
Includes 5 goal setting 'secrets.'
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