The NSW biodiversity outlook report 2024 shows that biodiversity is on the decline in New South Wales, with the report highlighting habitat loss as the key pressure on biodiversity across the state. It could be easy to feel disheartened, but it’s important to remember that there are good news stories, too. Like the success of the area of land permanently secured for conservation in New South Wales growing to 11% - reflecting what we hear from our members operating in NSW, that more and more people are choosing to protect, steward and restore land in their care.
Nature loss stands to deeply affect core elements of the economy and Australian society if it is not urgently addressed. We can turn it around - but only if we act. Australian landholders love nature and play an important role in looking after it – and it's in everyone's interest that they do so. Getting the right policy and investment settings to enable even more people to participate in private land conservation is critical; and a fit-for-purpose NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act that delivers stronger protections for nature, is also critical.
L'Ormarins Executive at Camdeboo Private Nature Reserve, Anthonij Rupert Wines, Co-Founder at Herding Academy, Trustee of Save Reinet Trust, Founder of the Graaff Reinet Development Forum, director at Karoo Fossil Centre
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