MTSU Geosciences students stand atop the Flims landslide, largest in the Alps, and view other landslide scars in the Ruinalta (Rhine Gorge) near Flims, Switzerland.
Mark Abolins’ Post
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Geology in Motion: Exploring the Kolumbo Volcano Field in the Aegean Sea! 🌊 The latest blog post by Dr. Andrea Geipel on the #mareXtreme website takes us aboard the Maria S. Merian, diving into the research at the 🌋Kolumbo Volcano Field. From deploying technologies like ocean-bottom seismometers, to special moments such as celebrating 🎅 Nikolaus on board, this weeks post provides an engaging look into the science and life aboard a research vessel. Discover how this research helps better understand natural hazards like tsunamis. 👉 Read more: 👥 GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel RWTH Aachen University Forschungszentrum Küste Leibniz Universität Hannover Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam - Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ Universität zu Köln Universität Hamburg National & Kapodistrian University of Athens 📢 Curious to learn more? Explore additional insights and updates on the mareXtreme blog! #mareXtreme #MULTIMAREX #Geology #Science #Research #MarineScience #Geoscience #mariasmerian #volcanicresearch #earlywarningsystem #marineextremevents 🌊
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Impressive NGWM Presence in Gothenburg 🎉 🎤 As we wait for 2025 to truly kick off, we warm up with highlights from last year. The 36th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, held in January in Gothenburg, Sweden, showcased an impressive presence by our staff and students: 🔸 Julius Schönherr presented his master’s thesis on bedrock mapping, zircon U-Pb geochronology, and Lu-Hf isotopes of the Archean Kirkenes Gneiss Complex. 🔸 PhD Candidate Marek Zastąpiło introduced an exciting project focusing on Norway’s oldest exposed rocks, aiming to date the closure of an ancient ocean. 🔸 PhD Candidate Lene Pallesen explored marine deposits in quick clay areas in Trøndelag during the sedimentology session. 🔸 Jørgen Natvig Løvseth shared insights from his master’s thesis on tafoni weathering, also known as "Swiss cheese weathering." 🔸 Eske Bjørn (Bjørn Eske Sørensen) delivered two presentations: one on crystallographic orientations of planar deformation features in olivine, and another on the effect of volume changes on mineral reactions in ultramafic-mafic rocks. 🌍 Events like NGWM highlight the vital contributions of our department to the global geosciences community, and we are excited about what we can achieve in 2025! #GeosciencesAtNTNU #NGWM24 #StudentResearch #GeologyInFocus #Throwback2024
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🌋 Volcanic fieldwork and #research in #Iceland 🇮🇸 The School interviewed PhD candidate Conner Morison, whose recently published paper explores the societal impacts of Iceland’s largest volcanic events and draws links to cultures across centuries. Read the article here ⬇
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Discover how a Marine Geosciences student is unlocking our understanding of the Israel Levant margin and shaping our understanding of the ocean’s past and future. Odugbesan Oluwatobiloba, a second-year Master’s degree student supervised by Prof. Michael Lazar and Prof. Uri Schattner, is realizing his long-standing passion for marine exploration by conducting a globally significant study. His research will help to understand paleo-climate indicators, ocean circulation, seafloor hazards, and sediment hydrodynamics. Curious to learn more about Odugbesan's scientific journey, his future plans, and tricks to manage the academic load? Check it out on our website 👉 #MarineGeosciences #OceanResearch #PaleoClimate #SedimentDynamics #MarineExploration
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🔖 NEW BLOG POST 🌐 Aotearoa New Zealand’s National Seismic Hazard Model has recently been updated and the amount of research behind it is staggering. Earthquakes can’t be predicted but the likelihood of different levels of ground shaking can be forecast. A series of over 30 scientific papers reveals the true extent of the work that has gone into updating Aotearoa’s National Seismic Hazard Model Te Tauira Matapae Pūmate Rū i Aotearoa. Over 50 scientists from 15 institutions and 5 countries worked to produce trustworthy estimates of ground shaking in New Zealand over the next 100 years. “It was a hugely invigorating project. We were drawing on the greater expertise of New Zealand and the world to build this state-of-the-art model, the results of which are going to impact everybody in New Zealand.” – Russ Van Dissen (GNS Science Te Pū Ao) 👉 Read the blog post here: For our full back catalogue of QuakeCoRE Research Stories click here: #SeismicResilience #SeismicHazard
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Dear all, Just a reminder that we are looking for 13 doctoral candidates in the context of the new Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action - Doctoral Network #INITIATE dedicated to #Climate - Tectonics interactions using #BigData and #Numericalmodels. ( INITIATE brings together 5 academic beneficiaries: University of Bergen, CNRS, University of Barcelona,University of Potsdam, and Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam - German Research Centre GFZ. It also includes 13 partners from the academic world (Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III, IFP Energies nouvelles, University of Athens), the public sector (Institut of Cartography of Catalogna, UNESCO Geoparc Orígens, The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate), the energy industry (TotalEnergies, Repsol, Aker BP ASA,Equinor, Vulcan Energy Resources) and satellite data (GAF AG, DELPHI IMM GmbH). See for information about the positions and how to apply. Two of these 13 PhD have been awarded to Prof. Josep Anton Muñoz at Dept. de Dinàmica de la Terra i de l'Oceà at the Facultat de Ciències de la Terra UB DC8- Response of the Andean foreland fold and thrust belt to spatial and temporal variations of climate and structural inheritance Barcelona University – Supervision: Josep Anton Muñoz ( DC10- Contractional deformation of salt bearing rifted margins: the Western Pyrenees-Cantabrian foreland basin systems and the geological storage potential Barcelona University – Supervision: Josep Anton Muñoz (
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Earth Science Week runs from October 13 - October 19 and we can't wait to participate. This year's theme is "Earth Science Everywhere," so what better way to illustrate this than with a moment of calm and reflection by a leaf-strewn stream? While Earth Science includes all fields of natural science relating to our planet, we want to focus on geology this week. How does the South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium relate to geology? Geology—the study of the Earth, its materials, structure, processes, and history—is deeply tied to our waterways, coasts, and oceans. Stay tuned to discover some of our many geologic-focused programs, partnerships, and member institutions that help make the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium what it is today. Learn more about Earth Science Week at and #EarthScienceWeek #learnmoreoutdoors
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On the fifth day of Earth Science Week, we would like to wish you all a happy “Geoscience for Everyone Day!” Whether you are an educator, a geoscientist, a student, or a member of the general public, there are many ways you can get involved in the earth sciences. Take a look at these resources from #EarthScienceWeek and discover what you can do to help support a better understanding of our planet: #EarthScienceEverywhere #GeoscienceForEveryone #GeologyRocks American Geosciences Institute
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3-D gravity inversion reveal! Great article on subsurface distribution of granites and greenstones in the Paleoarchean East Pilbara Terrane. Well done to all involved!
Collaborative research has revealed new information about WA's East Pilbara Terrane Subsurface distribution of granites and greenstones in the Paleoarchean East Pilbara Terrane from 3-D gravity inversion: Hayward et al. used seismic-supported gravity inversion to reveal that the East Pilbara Terrane has a layered structure and that high-density greenstones are largely confined to upper crust. The authors conclude that the Paleo to Mesoarchean lower crust was either reworked or deep greenstone subsidence was not widespread. Thanks to the efforts of GSWA, Geological Survey of Canada, Simon Fraser University, The University of Western Australia, and Geoscience Australia.
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Research assistant professor Revathy Parameswaran at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute has spent a lot of time studying major seismic activity of Alaska’s Aleutian Arc. At #AGU24 today, she presented her research related to stress of several recent megathrust earthquakes in the Aleutian arc. #UAFXAGU #seismology #earthquakes American Geophysical Union Video by Rod Boyce/UAF GI
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