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(MSN MONEY) - "Social Security Trust Funds Shrank by $41 Billion Last Year. Here's What That Means for Retirees." The Social Security program's trust funds shrank by $41 billion in 2023, and we expect these deficits to continue over the coming years. In the near term, this won't affect Social Security's beneficiaries, but the long-term consequences could take a huge toll on everyone who counts on their benefits to make ends meet. Find The Most AFFORDABLE Health & DENTAL Insurance At: #MedicareInsolvency #DebtCeiling #SocialSecurity #SSICostOfLivingIncreases #CostOfLiving #SSIBenefits #HealthInsurance4Everyone #RetirementBenefits #SocialSecurityInsolvency #SSITaxes #MedicareSpending #CostOfLivingIncreasesForSSI #Retirees #SocialSecurityIncrease #SSICOLAIncreases #SeniorBenefits #COLA #SocialSecurityFundsDepleted #OldAgeSurvivorsInsurance #OASI #SocialSecurityIncrease #MedicareHospitalInsuranceFunds #HealthAndLifeSolutions #SocialSecurityReform #SSIBenefitsCuts #RetirementFunds #PensionPlans #RetireeBenefits #SocialSecurityTrustFund

Social Security Trust Funds Shrank by $41 Billion Last Year. Here's What That Means for Retirees

Social Security Trust Funds Shrank by $41 Billion Last Year. Here's What That Means for Retirees

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