Very good thinking
safety first and always
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Very good thinking
safety first and always
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This idea is helpful in theory, if there’s no other option. But, if your phone has no signal, you won’t be able to update your voicemail because voicemail changes need to connect to the carrier’s network. Also, changing the voicemail can take up some of your phone’s remaining battery life, which you may need to preserve for sending out emergency texts, using offline maps, or other emergency functions. Voicemail depends on someone calling you, and they would need to actively listen to the voicemail for information. This delays rescue efforts compared to directly sharing your location through text or apps before the phone dies. Text messages are often more reliable than calls and can be sent with minimal signal strength. Specific apps are available for emergency communication; they can relay your location even with limited service (like “What3Words” or “Life360”). Finally: you can save battery by turning off unnecessary functions (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.) and keeping the phone in airplane mode, except for short bursts to check signal.
safety first and always
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Safety Trainings should be done as often as possible. After each session a test should be done do gauge undersatnding of the training. Any lapse should treated as a serious near miss. #Safety
Safety First!!!
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Great Share! Safety First: It's now becoming a cliche, so all crporates must understand this & workers should prioritize this. Save it from becoming a cliche....
Safety first, Safety always!
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The most important thing for your life is safety first, safety first
Safety first.
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Be careful Safety first
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