True recycling rates of products? These may not be as high as you think... Calculating true recycling rates in a product centric manner is a cornerstone of the #circulareconomy, this goes well beyond the oversimplifying material(science) centric analysis. Our paper shows how the recycling rates of products, modules etc. should be calculated, which is also the fundamental basis of understanding #supplychains and the circular economy. This is based on among others on #thermodynamics (thus chemistry), mass and heat transfer processes, reactor technology, flowsheet. We express this as a #recyclinglabel analogous to the #energy label, the difference being that it has well-defined values between 0 and 100%. These are based on process simulation of the circular economy (or parts thereof). These can be linked directly to product design tools and thence estimating the #exergy dissipation and basing life cycle assessment on a first principles basis. See also #metallurgy #processsimulation #productdesign #sustainability #recycling #materials #exergy #CriticalRawMaterialsAct #greendeal #eu
A great concept and effective communication tool!
Senior Principal Scientist & Group Leader (Secondaries and Metal waste Recycling) at National Metallurgical Laboratory
4moWell proven Second law