Christian Findenig wins first prize at ESBS-Austria’s Young Academics 2024 Competition Our colleague, Christian Findenig recently won the first prize at the ESBS-Austria’s Young Academics 2024 competition. The call was aimed at Bachelor and Master Theses with a focus on 'AI in and for Chips'. Christian is currently finishing his Master’s Thesis titled “Thermal Modeling for Predictive Maintenance of LEDs with Probabilistic Programming” at TU Graz’ Institute of Theoretical Computer Science under the supervision of Prof. Robert Peharz. Christian is also a student worker at MCL in the embedded computing group (Manfred Mücke), implementing and testing probabilistic models of LEDs. If you are interested in pushing thermal modelling of power electronics with probabilistic hybrid (physics-inspired) models or generally using state-of-the-art probabilistic programming in an applied material science context, feel free to contact Photo: EBNER Corporate Service Group GmbH/Verena Grund-Himml *** Christian Findenig gewinnt ersten Preis bei ESBS-Austria's Young Academics 2024 Wettbewerb Unser Kollege Christian Findenig hat kürzlich den ersten Preis beim Young Academics 2024 Wettbewerb von ESBS-Austria gewonnen. Die Ausschreibung richtete sich an Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten mit dem Schwerpunkt „AI in and for Chips“. Christian ist gerade dabei, seine Masterarbeit mit dem Titel „Thermal Modeling for Predictive Maintenance of LEDs with Probabilistic Programming“ am Institut für Theoretische Informatik der TU Graz unter der Betreuung von Prof. Robert Peharz abzuschließen. Christian ist auch studentischer Mitarbeiter am MCL in der Embedded Computing Gruppe (Manfred Mücke), wo er probabilistische Modelle von LEDs implementiert und testet. Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, die thermische Modellierung von Leistungselektronik mit probabilistischen hybriden (von der Physik inspirierten) Modellen voranzutreiben oder generell probabilistische Programmiersprachen in einem angewandten materialwissenschaftlichen Kontext zu nutzen, dann kontaktieren Sie bitte Fotocredits: EBNER Corporate Service Group GmbH/Verena Grund-Himml
Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH’s Post
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I’m pleased to announce the launch of the Special Issue on Formal Methods in Computer Science: Theory and Applications in the Mathematics journal by MDPI! This Special Issue is now open for submissions and welcomes groundbreaking research on formal methods, their theoretical foundations, and practical applications in computer science. We are seeking contributions in areas such as: Model checking and formal verification Theorem proving and symbolic methods Formal languages and automata theory Formal approaches to software and hardware design If your research advances the field of formal methods or their use in practical applications, this is your chance to contribute and have your work recognized in an internationally renowned journal! 📅 Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 June 2025 Submit your manuscript or learn more here: Let’s drive innovation in formal methods together! 💡 #ComputerScience #FormalMethods #Research #SpecialIssue #MDPI #AcademicPublishing #ModelChecking #FormalVerification #SoftwareEngineering #HardwareDesign #TheoreticalComputerScience
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🎉 In the past two months, we’ve issued over 300 academic licenses for students from University of Oxford, Universiteit Antwerpen, Universität Münster, Technische Universität Berlin, Technische Universität Dortmund, Technische Universität Hamburg, Universität Stuttgart, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Università di Trento, Technical University of Crete, and many others! We wish all students a successful semester and hope to bring model-driven software development closer to them with itemis CREATE. By the way, itemis CREATE is free for students—follow the link to get your free academic license! 🚀 #itemisCREATE #modeldrivendevelopment #academia #students #innovation
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📌Mañana miércoles 20 de noviembre se realizará un nuevo Seminario IMC, el cual estará a cargo de Jasper van Doornmalen, postdoc del Instituto de Ingeniería Matemática y Computacional. 📝 𝗧𝗶́𝘁𝘂𝗹𝗼: "Propagation Algorithms for Handling Symmetries of Mathematical Programs" 📑 𝗔𝗯𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁: Optimization problems are often solved using constraint programming or mixed-integer programming techniques, using enumeration or branch-and-bound techniques. It is well known that if the problem formulation is very symmetric, there may exist many symmetrically equivalent solutions to the problem. Without handling the symmetries, traditional solving methods have to check many symmetric parts of the solution space, which comes at a high computational cost. Handling symmetries in optimization problems is thus essential for devising efficient solution methods. The presentation will introduce and review common methods for solving mathematical programs, the concepts of symmetries in mathematical programs, and how symmetries can be handled. Then, the main results of Jasper's dissertation are presented, along with computational results. In particular, the presentation focuses on a general framework for symmetry handling that captures many of the already existing symmetry handling methods. While these methods are mostly discussed independently from each other in the literature, the framework allows to apply different symmetry handling methods simultaneously and thus outperform their individual effects. Moreover, most existing symmetry handling methods only apply to binary variables. Our framework allows to easily generalize these methods to general variable types. Numerical experiments confirm that our novel framework is superior to the state-of-the-art methods implemented in the solver SCIP. 📋 𝗕𝗶𝗼: Jasper van Doornmalen joined IMC in September, 2024 as a postdoctoral researcher. Prior, he obtained his PhD at the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands, with his dissertation titled "Propagation Algorithms for Handling Symmetries of Mathematical Programs", advised by Christopher Hojny and Frits Spieksma. Besides working at UC, Jasper will work at Alicanto Labs SpA as a developer for optimization software for the mining industry. Jasper is interested in the theory and practice of combinatorial optimization algorithms, with a strong focus on (discrete) mathematical programming methods, and solving problems with symmetry. 📆 Miércoles 20 de noviembre ⏰ 13:40 📍 Auditorio Edificio San Agustín, Campus San Joaquín 🙋♂️ Evento sin inscripción y abierto a público 📧 Link para transmisión vía Zoom disponible escribiendo a
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Interesting Call for Computer Science text books!
Ideas for computer science text books Computer science is a fast moving area that has fundamentally changed the way we live, work and play. Having great text books available for students in that study the the latest and future trends of our area is important. If you have an idea for a new text book, feel free to reach out to me and to discuss it. I'm a co-editor of the Springer Texts in Computer Science series and we are seeking ideas for the next generation of text books.
Texts in Computer Science
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Vorstellung eines Spracherkennungsmodells basierend auf EEG-Daten – Entwickelt in MATLAB R2022b (*Nachtrag II*) Anbei die exemplarische Simulation des Modells für den verwendeten Datensatz mit text2speech. Mit "Text-to-Speech" mit Windows SAPI in Matlab geht das noch etwas eleganter und aus EEG-Daten von Sprache / Gedanken (imaginierte Sprache) werden, in Abhängigkeit vom Score (100%), wieder die richtigen Worte. % Zeichenkette definieren text = 'Hallo'; % Text-to-Speech mit Windows SAPI NET.addAssembly('System.Speech'); obj = System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer; Speak(obj, text); text = 'Wie'; NET.addAssembly('System.Speech'); obj = System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer; Speak(obj, text); text = 'gehts'; NET.addAssembly('System.Speech'); obj = System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer; Speak(obj, text); text = 'Danke'; NET.addAssembly('System.Speech'); obj = System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer; Speak(obj, text); text = 'gut'; NET.addAssembly('System.Speech'); obj = System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer; Speak(obj, text); #Neurowissenschaften, #KünstlicheIntelligenz, #KI, #KIinderMedizin, #ZukunftDerMedizin, #imaginedspeech, #autogenetraining, #MaschinellesLernen, #EEGDaten, #eegchatbot, #Spracherkennung, #MATLAB, #AssistiveTechnologie, #DigitalHealth, #Innovation, #Forschung, #Brainscanner, #BCI, #Reharobotik, #DataScience, #HTWBerlin, #Charité, #neurocure #text2speech
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