Article Title: Coefficient estimates for a subclass of bi-univalent functions associated with the Salagean differential operator Author(s): Mohammad Mehdi Shabani, Maryam Yazdi and Saeed Hashemi Sababe* Journal: Annals of Mathematics and Physics Journal ISSN: 2689-7636 Abstract: In this paper, we present and examine a novel subset of the function class ∑, which consists of analytic and bi-univalent functions defined in the open unit disk U and connected to the Salagean differential operator. Additionally, we determine estimates for the Taylor-Maclaurin coefficients |a2| and |a3| functions within this new subclass and enhance some recent findings. #Biunivalentfunctions #Coefficientestimates #Univalentfunctions #Salageandifferentialoperator #Mathematics #Algebra #Geometry #Calculus #Probability #Statistics #NumberTheory #MathematicalAnalysis #DiscreteMathematics #LinearAlgebra #DifferentialEquations #Topology #MathematicalModeling #AppliedMathematics #ComputationalMathematics #MathematicalLogic #FunctionalAnalysis #ComplexAnalysis #NumericalAnalysis #Optimization #GraphTheory #MathematicalPhysics #Cryptography #StochasticProcesses #GameTheory
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- Article Title: A new reduced quantile function for generating families of distributions Author(s): Prince O Chukwuma, Etaga O Harrison, Precious Ibeakuzie, Ifeanyi C Anabike and Okechukwu J Obulezi* Journal: Annals of Mathematics and Physics Journal ISSN: 2689-7636 Abstract: In this paper, a variant of the T-X(Y) generator was developed by suppressing the scale parameter of the classical Lomax distribution in the quantile function. Uniquely, the reduction of the number of parameters essentially accounts for the parsimony of the attendant model. #Exponentialdistribution #Lomaxdistribution #Orderstatistics #Quantilefunction #TXgenerator #TypeIIGumbel #Mathematics #Algebra #Geometry #Calculus #Probability #Statistics #NumberTheory #MathematicalAnalysis #DiscreteMathematics #LinearAlgebra #DifferentialEquations #Topology #MathematicalModeling #AppliedMathematics #ComputationalMathematics #MathematicalLogic #FunctionalAnalysis #ComplexAnalysis #NumericalAnalysis #Optimization #GraphTheory #MathematicalPhysics #Cryptography #StochasticProcesses #GameTheory
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- Article Title: Numerical simulations in a generalized Liénard's type system Author(s): Juan E Nápoles Valdés* and Paula Macarena Roa* Journal: Annals of Mathematics and Physics Journal ISSN: 2689-7636 Abstract: In this note we present some numerical simulations of the asymptotic behavior of a Generalized Liénard Equation, taking into account a recently defined differential operator. We must point out that these numerical variations have not been obtained as usual: by varying the functions of the right member of the system considered, but, on the contrary, by varying the kernels and the order of the generalized operator used. The above provides breadth and generality to the results obtained, which complement some known in the literature. #Boundedness #Stability #Liénardequation #Mathematics #Algebra #Geometry #Calculus #Probability #Statistics #NumberTheory #MathematicalAnalysis #DiscreteMathematics #LinearAlgebra #DifferentialEquations #Topology #MathematicalModeling #AppliedMathematics #ComputationalMathematics #MathematicalLogic #FunctionalAnalysis #ComplexAnalysis #NumericalAnalysis #Optimization #GraphTheory #MathematicalPhysics #Cryptography #StochasticProcesses #GameTheory
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- Article Title: Mathematical analysis of the new α - difference operator with an application to prey-predator model with harvesting. Quadratic invariant Author(s): HI Abdel-Gawad* and Ahmed H Abdel-Gawad Journal: Annals of Mathematics and Physics Journal ISSN: 2689-7636 Abstract: In this research paper, we introduce a novel mathematical operator known as the alpha-difference operator (α-DO) and its corresponding integral. We establish the foundational theorems related to this operator and demonstrate its applications in both linear and nonlinear dynamical equations. A key focus of our study is the application of α-DO in the context of the prey-predator model with harvesting. #Newdifferenceequation #Mathematicalanalysis #Dynamicsystems #Preypredatormodel #Mathematics #Algebra #Geometry #Calculus #Probability #Statistics #NumberTheory #MathematicalAnalysis #DiscreteMathematics #LinearAlgebra #DifferentialEquations #Topology #MathematicalModeling #AppliedMathematics #ComputationalMathematics #MathematicalLogic #FunctionalAnalysis #ComplexAnalysis #NumericalAnalysis #Optimization #GraphTheory #MathematicalPhysics #Cryptography #StochasticProcesses #GameTheory
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- Article Title: Revisiting the holstein-primakov transformations Author(s): SO Gladkov* Journal: Annals of Mathematics and Physics Journal ISSN: 2689-7636 Abstract: It is shown that in addition to the Holstein-Primakov transformations in the theory of magnetism, a number of other transformations can be proposed which also lead to very interesting and consistent results. In particular, with the help of the transformation proposed in the paper for spin operators, it turns out to be possible to strictly analytically calculate the temperature dependence of the ferromagnet magnetization in a wide temperature range from zero and up to the Curie temperature. It is shown that for these transformations in the Curie temperature area, the magnetization tends to zero exponentially. #Curietemperature #Exchangeintegral #Transformationsofelectronspinoperators #Mathematics #Algebra #Geometry #Calculus #Probability #Statistics #NumberTheory #MathematicalAnalysis #DiscreteMathematics #LinearAlgebra #DifferentialEquations #Topology #MathematicalModeling #AppliedMathematics #ComputationalMathematics #MathematicalLogic #FunctionalAnalysis #ComplexAnalysis #NumericalAnalysis #Optimization #GraphTheory #MathematicalPhysics #Cryptography #StochasticProcesses #GameTheory
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- Article Title: Successive differentiation of some mathematical functions using hypergeometric mechanism Author(s): MI Qureshi, Tafaz ul Rahman Shah* and Shakir Hussain Malik Journal: Annals of Mathematics and Physics Journal ISSN: 2689-7636 Abstract: In this article, we obtain successive differentiation of some composite mathematical functions... #Generalizedhypergeometricfunction #Pochhammersymbol #Mathematics #Algebra #Geometry #Calculus #Probability #Statistics #NumberTheory #MathematicalAnalysis #DiscreteMathematics #LinearAlgebra #DifferentialEquations #Topology #MathematicalModeling #AppliedMathematics #ComputationalMathematics #MathematicalLogic #FunctionalAnalysis #ComplexAnalysis #NumericalAnalysis #Optimization #GraphTheory #MathematicalPhysics #Cryptography #StochasticProcesses #GameTheory
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- Article Title: Mid-point technique for calculating divergent integrals Author(s): M Abu-Shady* Journal: Annals of Mathematics and Physics Journal ISSN: 2689-7636 Abstract: A mid-point technique is introduced to overcome the difficulties in other techniques. The modied e⁄ective interaction quark potential which uses to calculate different properties of the NJL model such as the constituent quark mass, pressure, and energy density is solved using the present technique. The present method gives good accuracy for the mathematical problem and avoids the physical di¢ culty in the previous works. #Mathematics #Algebra #Geometry #Calculus #Probability #Statistics #NumberTheory #MathematicalAnalysis #DiscreteMathematics #LinearAlgebra #DifferentialEquations #Topology #MathematicalModeling #AppliedMathematics #ComputationalMathematics #MathematicalLogic #FunctionalAnalysis #ComplexAnalysis #NumericalAnalysis #Optimization #GraphTheory #MathematicalPhysics #Cryptography #StochasticProcesses #GameTheory
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- Article Title: J/Ψ (1S) and Ψ (2S) Production in p-p Collisions at E=5.44 TeV Author(s): Leonard S Kisslinger* Journal: Annals of Mathematics and Physics Journal ISSN: 2689-7636 Abstract: I estimate the differential rapidity cross sections for J/Ψ and Ψ (2S) via pp (proton-proton) collisions at E=510 GeV. The J/Ψ is a standard charm quark and anti-charm quark, c and while Ψ (2S) is a mixed hybrid c meson. For the Ψ (2S) I use the mixed heavy quark hybrid theory, with states approximately 50% standard and 50% hybrid charmonium. #Heavyquarkstateproduction #Relativisticheavyioncollisions #Heavyquarkstatesuppression #Mathematics #Algebra #Geometry #Calculus #Probability #Statistics #NumberTheory #MathematicalAnalysis #DiscreteMathematics #LinearAlgebra #DifferentialEquations #Topology #MathematicalModeling #AppliedMathematics #ComputationalMathematics #MathematicalLogic #FunctionalAnalysis #ComplexAnalysis #NumericalAnalysis #Optimization #GraphTheory #MathematicalPhysics #Cryptography #StochasticProcesses #GameTheory
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- Article Title: Certain results of Aleph-Function based on natural transform of fractional order Author(s): Aarti Pathak, Rajshree Mishra, DK Jain, Farooq Ahmad and Altaf Ahmad Bhat* Journal: Annals of Mathematics and Physics Journal ISSN: 2689-7636 Abstract: In this research article, a new type of fractional integral transform namely the N-transform of fractional order is proposed, and derived a number of useful results of a more generalized function (Aleph-function) of fractional calculus by making use of the N-transform of fractional order. Further, the relation between it and other fractional transforms is given and some special cases have also been discussed. #Ntransformoffractionalorder #Ltransformoffractionalorder #StransformoffractionalorderAlephfunction #Mathematics #Algebra #Geometry #Calculus #Probability #Statistics #NumberTheory #MathematicalAnalysis #DiscreteMathematics #LinearAlgebra #DifferentialEquations #Topology #MathematicalModeling #AppliedMathematics #ComputationalMathematics #MathematicalLogic #FunctionalAnalysis #ComplexAnalysis #NumericalAnalysis #Optimization #GraphTheory #MathematicalPhysics #Cryptography #StochasticProcesses #GameTheory
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- Article Title: Spectral analysis of the Sturm-Liouville operator given on a system of segments Author(s): Snizhana Vovchuk* Journal: Annals of Mathematics and Physics Journal ISSN: 2689-7636 The spectral analysis of the Sturm-Liouville operator defined on a fi nite segment is the subject of an extensive literature [1,2]. Sturm-Liouville operators on a finite segment are well studied and have numerous applications [1-6]. The study of such operators already given on the system segments (graphs) was received in the works [7,8]. This work is devoted to the study of operators... #TheSturmLiouvilleoperator #The spectralfunction #ThepotentialIntroduction #Mathematics #Algebra #Geometry #Calculus #Probability #Statistics #NumberTheory #MathematicalAnalysis #DiscreteMathematics #LinearAlgebra #DifferentialEquations #Topology #MathematicalModeling #AppliedMathematics #ComputationalMathematics #MathematicalLogic #FunctionalAnalysis #ComplexAnalysis #NumericalAnalysis #Optimization #GraphTheory #MathematicalPhysics #Cryptography #StochasticProcesses #GameTheory
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- Article Title: A new form of discrete real Fourier transform and its potential applications Author(s): Grzegorz Plewa* Journal: Annals of Mathematics and Physics Journal ISSN: 2689-7636 Abstract: The paper will present a new version of a real discrete Fourier transform, based on a symmetric frequencies combination of sine and cosine functions. Basic aspects of the construction as well as the potential applications will be discussed. This will include elements of the standard Fourier analysis as well as applications to the class of differential equations in string theory. #Mathematics #Algebra #Geometry #Calculus #Probability #Statistics #NumberTheory #MathematicalAnalysis #DiscreteMathematics #LinearAlgebra #DifferentialEquations #Topology #MathematicalModeling #AppliedMathematics #ComputationalMathematics #MathematicalLogic #FunctionalAnalysis #ComplexAnalysis #NumericalAnalysis #Optimization #GraphTheory #MathematicalPhysics #Cryptography #StochasticProcesses #GameTheory
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