Today is the start of FTI and& | 16 → 20 March 2024, the Leuven chapter of Flanders Technology & Innovation.
We, the Flemish, just like our Wallonian & Brussels' counterparts, we are seldomly proud, we shrug our shoulders and move on to the next thing. We are often prone to easy cynicism, focusing on things that could have been better. We're - on average - not the tech enthusiasts, rather reluctant to embrace change. It's what we tell ourselves.
It's my hope this week can contribute to a different story. A story where we can use technology, not as a primary goal, but as a catalyst for the inhabitants of Flanders and beyond to thrive. A story, where we realise we are all talented in our own unique way.
As one of the two curators of the festival, I'm proud that thousands of people in my home town will learn about technology and science, get a brain shower, and above all have fun. Exchanging different perspectives, coming together, that's where the magic happens, that's what makes us human.
If we've done our job well, people will feel a spark for a positive future. Because that's what we need and it is within reach: We're the current generations, it's in our power to be an incredible force for good for ourselves, our children and the ones that still will be born, the future generations.
Yes, we face tremendous challenges and we don't know if all of our efforts will be enough, and that in itself is scary. But if we have the courage to move forward, if we don't fall for cynicism and insecurity, I believe we can thrive.
That's what "FTI" has meant to me for the last year. I hope to meet you this week, here at home in Leuven or in Antwerp next Sunday.
#fti #ftileuven #timeforacelebration