DCB and Mobile Money, alternative payment methods that offer advantages such as fast, secure, and easy transactions, accessibility through mobile devices, and no need to share banking information or own a credit card.
Numbers clearly demonstrate the growing adoption and significant impact of these alternative payment methods:
Direct Carrier Billing (DCB) in 2022 had a total end-user carrier billing spend of $69.7 billion, with a year-on-year growth (CAGR) of +11.4%.
The total end-user spend via carrier billing was $1.26 trillion, with $61 billion spent on content & commerce and $5.8 billion on physical goods
Mobile Money processed annually by the industry in 2022 showed a year-on-year growth (CAGR) of +22%.
Merchant payments processed per year through Mobile Money amounted to over $78 billion.
#DigitalPayments #MobileMoney #DCB #Innovation #DigitalVirgo #Fintech
🔎 Alternative Payment Methods have increased enormously in adoption and popularity. The numbers speak for themselves.
Take a look at the evolution of #MobileMoney and #DirectCarrierBilling in the past year and learn more about it in our article latest blog article 👇
*The data corresponds to the end of 2023. Taken from the latest reports available.