Addressing #Transformer and Reactor Failures: Insights from #CEAReport We are RUGGED MONITORING! Transformers and reactors are the backbone of power utilities, ensuring seamless energy distribution. However, occasional failures pose significant challenges. The recent report from the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) sheds light on critical aspects in this domain. 📑 The CEA report underscores crucial findings regarding transformer and reactor failures between April 2019 and December 2021. Twenty-four (24) transformer failure cases from April 2019 to December 2021 have been reported by eight (8) utilities to CEA. It is alarming that more than 50% of the reported failed transformers were in operation/service for #lessthan10years. It is further highlighted that a large number of transformer failure cases remain unreported as many power utilities in the country have not reported failures, including State Transmission Utilities, Private Utilities/Licensees, Central Transmission Utilities, and Public Sector Power Utilities. In the face of these challenges, embracing innovative solutions is imperative. #Onlineconditionmonitoring emerges as a game-changer in averting catastrophic failures and optimizing asset performance. By leveraging #realtime data and analytics, utilities can proactively detect anomalies, #predict potential failures, and implement timely interventions. Join the conversation and share your insights! #TransformerFailures #ReactorFailures #OnlineMonitoring #CEAReport #PowerUtilities #Innovation