It's Throwback Thursday at the Bass and today we're reminiscing about the great video shoot we had with Xero and Oranjezicht City Farm earlier this year as part of Xero's Customer Stories project. In this video, you will discover the remarkable story of how the OZCF came to be. A project borne from compassion and love for the community, on an incredible trajectory of growth – re-evaluating the way we view food while creating jobs and building a legacy that is not only changing Cape Town but perhaps even South Africa. But as any entrepreneur will know – behind every story of growth and success, the numbers are vital for sustainability and further advancement. Explore how MGI Bass Gordon and Xero empower SMEs, like OZCF, to reach their full potential and beyond. A huge thank you to Xero and Oranjezicht City Farm for allowing us to do beautiful business together. #business #community #growth #building #southafrica #ozcf #capetown #sustainability #entrepreneur #mgi #xero #xeroaccounting #cloudaccounting #npo #customersuccessstory #food #TEAMBASS #audit #acccounting #tax #corporatefinance #lovewhatyoudo #smallbusiness #sme #proudlysouthafrican #video