Michael DeHaan’s Post

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Real Estate Investor, Host of the Collecting Keys Podcast

It's true, Money does not directly buy happiness! What this means is that having money just sitting in your bank account doesnt magically cure any inner struggles or make you happier. BUT, it does allow you to have freedom and flexibility in what your life looks like and THAT is what brings you happiness. With how the corporate culture has evolved, especially in the US, we have turned into a society that has extremely limited flexibility in their schedules and lives in general. To make matters worse, the little flexibility we do have is regularly taken up by family or life commitments that don't allow us to LIVE. If you are able to get enough money that you can buy back your time, there is no question that this will allow you to experience happiness on your own schedule. Whether this is travelling the world, spending more time with your kids, or just sleeping in on a week day, when you get to choose what you do and when you do it, happiness is inevitable. #financetips #remotework #travel #entrepreneur #financialfreedom #personalfinance #business #7figurebusiness #realestateinvesting #travel #collectingkeys

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