“A Golden Nugget.” A thick-necked 10-point whitetail buck pauses in a golden wood in mid-October. When photographing wildlife, and they’re too far away, it’s always helpful for the photo to look it’s best if you incorporate some of the elements of the surrounding landscape to compliment the subject. I call them wildlife landscapes or wildlife scenic photos, instead of wildlife portraits or closeups. Will these be on the cover of a magazine? Probably not, as editors want to have frame filling photos that catch the viewers eye at the newsstand, which a small in the frame deer like you see in this photo just can’t do. But this photo would definitely work as a full page inside photo, so I’m cool with that! With any sort of wildlife landscape photo, the most boring place for the subject to be in the frame of the photo is bullseyed in the center. But by framing the subject off-center, you want to state where the important elements are in the photo that you want to emphasize. In this case, the important elements weren’t the foreground of fallen leaves and underbrush between me and the buck, but I felt the important elements beyond the buck were the tall trees surrounded by golden fall vegetation. So, I turned the camera to a vertical format, and placed the buck in the bottom third of the frame. This tells the viewer that the buck is important in the photo, but the trees are also important, instead of the buck being the sole center of interest. By cutting out most of the fallen leaves, I de-emphasized that part of the scene. By showing the viewer what your artistic vision is, you can help the viewer of your photo see what you thought is beautiful in the frame of your viewfinder, showing your artistic vision. And that is something that you, as the artist, can control by moving the important elements of your photo in the camera’s viewfinder around, and choosing the right lens and camera body combination to bring your vision to life. What are your thoughts on this photo, and how would you have framed it differently?
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