THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - A “WHAT-IF’” SCENARIO The far from impartial ICJ and ICC seems to have a ‘penchant’ for accusing a number of people/countries of war crimes/crimes against humanity – some are deserved, many are questionable and others which deserve to be are omitted. .It therefore begs the question:- Would they have accused the allied, major leaders in WW2 of war crimes/crimes against humanity? The Allied powers were led by:- Winston Churchill (United Kingdom); Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman (United States Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union) Charles de Gaulle (France) it would be interesting to know. N.B. - the ICJ (which is part of the U.N) can in principle deal with cases brought by any state, The ICC's jurisdiction is more limited;. it covers crimes that were committed in the territory of, or by the nationals of, one of the 124 member states of the Rome Statute – it is not part of the U.N.
Michael Purtell’s Post
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In light of today's agreement, we should revisit this 1961 wisdom.... The Speech In his address, Eisenhower cautioned the American public against the “acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.” He warned that this complex, which had grown out of the World War II era, had the potential to distort the nation’s political institutions and threaten democracy itself. Key Quotes “We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.” “A vital element in keeping the peace is our ability to be as technologically strong as we can. But every dollar we spend militarily is a dollar that cannot be spent on our schools, our infrastructure, or our social programs.” “We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted.”
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We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
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COMING SOON! “In this gutsy (Second Edition) …James Ottavio Castagnera casts the eyes of an experienced attorney on many perplexing problems, describing their impact on the American legal system since 9/11 while promoting a greater awareness of the rising threat from the American right. Castagnera’s first edition adopted a realistic but essentially optimistic tone. This update is considerably more somber. The future of the United States is up for grabs. One can only hope that the republic can complete its voyage through today’s stormy waters …”— From the Foreword, Dr. Gregory J. W. Urwin, Professor of History, Center for the Study of Force and Diplomacy, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Counter Terrorism Issues: Case Studies in the Courtroom, Second Edition presents a panoramic view of the American judiciary’s handling of domestic terrorism in the last 30 years. As has played out in recent history, the American legal profession and judicial system bear a unique responsibility to set and maintain the balance between defending homeland security and protecting the civil liberties outlined in the Bill of Rights. These competing interests will continue to collide as the threats to our safety grow.
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Did you know there's a proper way to retire an American flag with honor? Our latest blog post discusses the respectful steps we follow to dispose of our nation's flag. Learn about this important tradition to ensure dignity and respect in every fold and ceremony by clicking the link below!
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History Echoes: From Caesar to Trump - The Dangerous Precedent of Power Under Threat Roman history vividly reminds us of the risks when a political leader faces prosecution or the threat of jail time. The last notable instance was with Julius Caesar, who, when denied the right to stand for Consul in absentia, chose to defy Rome’s Senate. Facing possible prosecution upon his return, he crossed the Rubicon with his loyal army, plunging Rome into a civil war. Caesar’s actions set him on a path to power as a dictator for life, though we know how tragically that chapter closed. Today, Donald J. Trump casts a shadow as a modern would-be Caesar, hinting at ruling with a dictatorial hand if re-elected. Unlike Caesar, a renowned military hero, Trump lacks the military background and, some would argue, the resolve to seize control. However, his rhetoric threatens upheaval if he loses, potentially dividing the nation. Could we witness an attempted escape instead, a scenario where this “Caesar” chooses exile over battle? History may not repeat itself exactly, but the echoes are there. Time will tell if they grow louder or fade away. #HistoryEchoes #CaesarVsTrump #ModernDictatorship #RubiconMoment #PoliticalHistory #Trump
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We often hear that this or that military attack caused disproportionate civilian casualties. Most often, these accusations are directed against #Israel, when they are not directed against the United States. I will be generous and presume that most of these accusations are based on a misconception of what proportionality in armed conflict means, and how it is different from proportionate use of force civil or human rights law circumstances. Proportionality in war is the subject of this episode of the Ancient Art of Modern Warfare. #Strategy #IHL #Ukraine #warfare
E103: Proportionality in Contemporary War
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90 retired US generals and admirals openly emphasize the crucial role of a robust U.S.-Israel relationship. 90! These are not 24 year old digital influencers virtue-signaling to their followers, these are not 21 year old kids on campus trying to be part of a group and thinking this is their Vietnam moment. This open letter signed by 90 people of authority because they used to be in authority, will have little effect on those influencers and kids. But it can and should have an effect on YOU, if you're looking from the sidelines and wondering what's going on in your country and how it's gotten so out of hand. These 90 military leaders have seen war first-hand; they know the cost, they know the rules. They are saying, in no uncertain terms, that in this war - this painful, heartbreaking war - the U.S. should be fully committed to supporting Israel in its tireless efforts to free hostages and topple a terrorist regime. It's not that complicated, but when you have military leaders who know better than any of us what it's all about tell you that what's obvious is also true, it's hard to ignore. Please share.
Appearing today in The New York Times, over 90 retired Generals and Admirals have written a letter emphasizing the crucial role of a robust U.S.-Israel relationship. These are not politicians, but patriots who have devoted their lives to this country and understand that Israel is an unparalleled ally. Read the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) led letter below:
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What JFK tried to do before his assassination w/Jeffrey Sachs | The Chris Hedges Report "We will never know the world that could have been had President John F. Kennedy's assassination never taken place, but an inkling of how things could have been different can be found in the final months of his life. In his new book, To Move the World: JFK's Quest for Peace, Jeffrey Sachs unearths JFK's final political campaign—to establish a secure and lasting peace with the Soviet Union." "How far did JFK's efforts go? What sort of progress was made on ending the Cold War, not through the collapse of the Soviet Union, but rather through mutual cooperation and understanding? To answer these questions and more, Jeffrey Sachs joins The Chris Hedges Report."
What JFK tried to do before his assassination w/Jeffrey Sachs | The Chris Hedges Report
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