Gratefulness never goes out of style. Kindness is attractive.
Eldercare-Senior Care Sales Solutions Academy-Marketing, Business Development, Sales Training, Coaching and Accountability-Offering Entrepreneurial Opportunity-Veteran
Just boarded flight back to San Diego. As I entered the plane there sat an Elder Veteran. He had his hat on. I said quietly, “thank you for your service.” He quietly said back, “thank you.” The line to seat was at a stand still so I remained in front of him. He looked at me and said, “Thank you. We really do appreciate it. It wasn’t like that when we came home.” Folks, I don’t care if it feels goofy or not…please be sure to express your gratitude to our Nation’s Veterans…especially our Elder Veterans. Clearly the one today experienced Vietnam. It doesn’t have to be a big deal. Just a simple quietly spoken thank you. We owe it to them.