ABOUT THE CONFERENCE * - * -* BALKANTRIB’24 11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRIBOLOGY 26-28 September 2024, Sofia, Bulgaria Organized by the: - Balkan Tribological Association - Society of Bulgarian Tribologists - Technical University of Sofia - Faculty of Industrial Technology 30 YEARS - BALKAN TRIBOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION Moto: Tribology for the new future For its 30 years of existence the Balkan Tribological Association had to draw up the balance sheet of achievements and leave traces behind its activities. The role and place of tribology in the modern world has only just been revealed: based on its interdisciplinarity nature, namely tribology to be a great actor in the building of sustainable society, staking on knowledge, industry, education and public understanding. The scope of this conference embraces the state of art and future trends in tribology research and application, emphasizing the necessity of facilitation of intellectual collaboration across both disciplinary and national boundaries of in the Balkan region and worldwide. In 1993 in Sofia, Bulgaria, the Society of Bulgarian Tribologists with President Prof. Nyagol Manolov, organized and founded the First Balkan Conference on Tribology under the name BALKANTRIB’93, and a Balkan Tribological Association (BTA) with member-countries Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Turkey and Yugoslavia at that time. BTA is managed according to a three-year rotary principle. Ten previous conferences BALKANTRIB were held in: Bulgaria (1993 and 2008), Greece (1996 and 2011), Romania (1999 and 2014), Turkey (2002 and 2017) and Serbia (2005 and 2021). Now, for the third time, the BALKANTRIB conference will be hosted by Bulgaria, at the Technical University of Sofia. We invite you to be part of the Tribology for the new future! Important information for the participants: Participation in the conference is possible both in person and remotely - a 15-20 min. presentation is required. Conference and paper language: English Maximum two presentations/publications per author. Abstracts will be published in Conference proceedings. The authors are invited to publish their paper in SCOPUS indexed Journals published by Scientific Bulgarian Communications with a special publication fee - EUR 150 for one paper. Mara Kandeva, Prof. Dr., President of the Organising Committee Emilia Assenova, Assoc. Prof. Dr., Scientific Secretary of the Organizing Committee
Best wishes
Co-Editor-in-Chief, Mechanics & Industry
10moThanks, dear Jitendra. Have a great week-end, Michel