Layers of protection, power, and precision! Your heart's wall is a masterpiece with three unique layers, all safeguarded by the pericardium. Take care of this incredible organ—it’s the rhythm of your life! Visit - #HeartHealth #CardiacCare #HealthyLiving’s Post
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Discover the power of pelvic floor exercises for enhanced performance and control. By boosting blood circulation, improving erectile function, delaying ejaculation, and enhancing bladder control, these exercises are essential for men's health. Start with Kegels like Quick Flick and Slow Twitch: quick bursts and sustained holds to strengthen your pelvic floor. Start today and experience the benefits firsthand! #pelvicpower #pelvicmuscles #menshealth #kegels #sexualwellness #bladdercontrol #ejaculationcontrol #healthtips #sexualhealth #inyou
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People with spinal cord injuries are being let down by a basic lack of transport accessibility. Ayça writes more about the need for accessible transportation in her blog: #spinalcordinjury #accessibility #accessibletransport #WheelchairAccessible #Wheelchair
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Across heart chambers, arteries, and valves, we’re revolutionizing what heart tech can do. #AbbottProud of how we’re pushing forward what is possible in heart care.
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What can an LS Pro Infrared Light Bed do for you? 💡 It's all about the placement of the infrared lights and the direction in which they emit light. The LED emissions of an LS Pro light bed follow the radiometric path of a Lambertian pattern, with light emitting at angles less than 90 degrees. 📐 This precision ensures that our system achieves light output at an optimal 60-degree angle, delivering unparalleled results. 🤩 This form of therapy can help to provide temporary relief from a range of discomforts, including minor muscle and joint issues, arthritis-related pain, muscle spasms, and localised blood circulation enhancement. 🫁🧬🩸 #wellness #redlighttherapy #healthcare
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Detect Nervous System Dysfunctions Early with Computerized Thermal Scan. Thermography measures temperature differences at the body surface, indicating nervous system dysfunction at that level. Call us at 718-224-6124 or visit our website #HealthyLifestyle #BetterLife #BetterFunction #GetAdjusted #ChiropracticCare #ChiroCare #ChiropracticWorks #SerenityHolistic
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Too much screen time can lead to digital eye strain? Protect your vision by taking frequent breaks and adjusting screen brightness. Your eyes will thank you! #skypharmacy #skypharmacyandclinic #healthissues #healthtips
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Invest in Your Heart's Wealth! Discover the priceless returns of prioritizing heart health with mitral valve repair. #HeartWealth #InvestInHealth
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#PhysicalTherapy isn't only a recommendation, but a vital part of your recovery. Ensure that you restore full function after an injury by making an appointment with our experts:
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Mouth Germs are #SCARY!!! They penetrate inflamed gums, circulate through the bloodstream affecting heart and other vital organs, decreasing #health and #longevity. If you are not brushing your pet's teeth 3 times/ week - get your pup a #Treatbrush by #ChewMate so they can #Brush AND #Floss their own teeth as they chew and play. #petproducts #innovation #chewtoy
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Spring is here, and you know what that means! While you're taking the time to clean and declutter your space, consider a vascular refresh as well! Think of a comprehensive check-up as decluttering for your arteries and veins, removing any obstacles that hinder optimal blood flow and heart function. Book your appointment today to take the first step towards a healthier you. #NYMVCare #SpringCleaning #Spring #VascularHealth
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