The #ZE PR machine is in overdrive!!!!
Now while some of this Forbes article may hold some truths (like the graph CALSTART provided on number of #HDZE deployments over last 2-3 years) it is difficult to swallow some claims by the “contributor” relative to “cheaper goods” being the result of #HDZE deployment…(especially in the Class 8 category)…
Not a single manufacturer, producer, distributor, importer or exporter of “goods” has ever indicated that these goods will be “cheaper” using #HDZE technology….especially in light of the fact that every input that it takes to produce equipment (#ZE, #ICE or otherwise) is getting more expensive…sure, there have been some dips in raw material prices, but the overall trend is up.. 📈
While both sides of the transformative shift to #HDZE are guilty of some level of sensationalism, just making claims based on limited information and magic 8-ball findings only hurt the cause since there is more finger pointing and false claims rather than “real talk”…
Yes, as I (and others) have said hundreds of times before “we will get there” and sure #HDZE trucks are cool…but…it’s gonna take time, money and a coordinated effort…right now, we are light years (maybe even parsecs) away from enough infrastructure to support the deployment…
And really, no one has been able to accurately predict how this will roll out, heck…even the cost estimates used by the California Air Resources Board to justify the #ACF have been pretty much blown out of the water…
Let’s put it simply…Limited range and limited fueling opportunities result in tighter truck capacity, tighter capacity results in higher costs to shippers and ultimately, consumers. No amount of maintenance savings is gonna make up for the fact that you need 2 trucks to do the job of 1 (especially in the Class 8 category)…so someone’s gotta pay.
Granted, when millions of dollars are bestowed upon foundations and environmental groups to go forth and spread the gospel of #ZEVTOPIA, they gotta write about something…unfortunately, in this modern crusade, there seems to be more zealots harranging the masses with fear and false promises rather than the rational perspective needed to lead the flock out of the dark.
Stay Tuned!
CEO of Muftar Corp | Board Member of Muftar Transport | Advocate for Leading by Example | Logistics & AI Tech Innovator | "A boss has the title, a leader has the people."
9moAre you familiar with who makes the systems shown in the video?