At the center of this issue is recognizing hate. Aspects of culture and sociological behavior interfere with accurate designations of what hate is in a particular circumstance. For example, there are people who believe simply speaking about an individual’s hateful behavior is hate. Others judge based on cultural heritage instead of an individual’s work ethic or personal physical abilities. Currently, community is used as a standard to demonize outspoken democracy defenders. Some people are unaware of what hate is while others use it to defend themselves and their particular incorrect behavior. Sociological evolution, created in part by climate justice and racial justice groups, are emense yet segments of society lag behind in cultural beliefs which delay peaceful communication and vilify their advocates. #NoToHate #CureWar #WagePeace
Each of us can take action and say #NoToHate. ✅ Fact-check ✅ Challenge hate by sharing messages of tolerance ✅ Support people targeted by hate speech ✅ Report hate speech on social platforms