Seed Oils (Omega-6 PUFAs), Inflammation & Cancer Dr. Tim Yeatman discusses how chronic inflammation enhances the risk of cancer by affecting immune surveillance and tumorigenesis. We explore the complex relationship between diet, mutations, and inflammatory states that lead to increased cancer cell survival. Clip from this podcast conversation: #Cancer #Inflammation #SeedOils #Diet #Biology #Metabolism #Science #Disease #Podcast
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Intermittent fasting protects against liver inflammation and liver cancer Fatty liver disease often leads to chronic liver inflammation and can even result in liver cancer. Scientists have now shown in mice that intermittent fasting on a 5:2 schedule can halt this development. The fasting regime reduces the development of liver cancer in mice with pre-existing liver inflammation. The researchers identified two proteins in liver cells that are jointly responsible for the protective effect of fasting. An approved drug can partially mimic this effect. The researchers compared protein composition, metabolic pathways and gene activity in the liver of fasting and non-fasting mice. Two main players responsible for the protective fasting response emerged: the transcription factor PPARα and the enzyme PCK1. The two molecular players work together to increase the breakdown of fatty acids and gluconeogenesis and inhibit the build-up of fats. #ScienceMission #sciencenewshighlights
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Bioenergetics plays an important role in growth & proliferation of cancer cells. Normal healthy cells metabolise glucose into Pyruvate via glycolysis in cytosol & convert Pyruvate into carbon dioxide using the most efficient energy generation process- oxidative phosphorylation. In anaerobic conditions, Pyruvate is converted into lactic acid with little amount being metabolised in the mitochondria. However cancer cells generate energy in-efficiently even in case of aerobic conditions via the process of aerobic glycolysis( the warburg effect). Mitochondrial dysfunction/damaged oxidative phosphorylation triggers production of ROS instead of ATP, causing damage to DNA, lipids & proteins. This ROS is carcinogenic. Since the cell control switch is gone, cells start to proliferate & grow & resort to inefficient means of energy production- fermentation, fermenting glucose vs glutamine via glycolysis & glutaminolysis pathways. The byproduct/waste product is lactic acid. However this is not just a waste product, it leads to immune suppression. Lactic acid acidifies tumour microenvironment & alters cellular pH level( from normal 7.5 to 6-6.5), making it acidic. This has multiple effects that favours cancer cell growth -Lactic acid protects cancer cells, it's like a shield. -This shield render chemotherapy, immunotherapies & other targeted therapies ineffective -Lactic acid is an immune suppressor. In effect it suppresses anti-cancer immune responses. -Low pH environment created by lactic acid leads to loss ot T-cell immune function -Fall in pH level promotes multiple cancer processes including angiogenesis, invasion & metastasis Finally it drives malignant progression of cancer cells by suppressing immune function. Unfortunately, the current healthcare system treating cancer never propagates starving cancer cells of the fermentable fuels. In Fact you would see a lot of practitioners may not restrict their cancer patients to consuming glucose as during cancer progression, patients experience extreme weight loss. They do not realise that lack of focus on precision nutrition is pushing the patient towards a metastatic stage with a low chance of survival. Citations #cancer #cancerprevention #oncology #gutmcrobiome Sakshi Bali Shashi Shekhar M. Dr Kamal Karnatak
Lactic Acid secreted by cancer cells suppress anti cancer immune response #cancerawareness #biology
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Vitamin D regulates microbiome-dependent cancer immunity Reported in Science, the researchers found that mice given a diet rich in vitamin D had better immune resistance to experimentally transplanted cancers and improved responses to immunotherapy treatment. This effect was also seen when gene editing was used to remove a protein that binds to vitamin D in the blood and keeps it away from tissues. Surprisingly, the team found that vitamin D acts on epithelial cells in the intestine, which in turn increase the amount of a bacteria called Bacteroides fragilis. This microbe gave mice better immunity to cancer as the transplanted tumors didn’t grow as much, but the researchers are not yet sure how. To test if the bacteria alone could give better cancer immunity, mice on a normal diet were given Bacteroides fragilis. These mice were also better able to resist tumor growth but not when the mice were placed on a vitamin D-deficient diet. #ScienceMission #sciencenewshighlights
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Ketogenic diet modulates tumor-associated neutrophil polarization via the AMOT-YAP/TAZ axis to inhibit colorectal cancer progression in mice: #KetogenicDiet #ColorectalCancer #PharmacolRes #openaccess #Research
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Bioenergetics plays an important role in growth & proliferation of cancer cells. Normal healthy cells metabolise glucose into Pyruvate via glycolysis in cytosol & convert Pyruvate into carbon dioxide using the most efficient energy generation process- oxidative phosphorylation. In anaerobic conditions, Pyruvate is converted into lactic acid with little amount being metabolised in the mitochondria. However cancer cells generate energy in-efficiently even in case of aerobic conditions via the process of aerobic glycolysis( the warburg effect). Mitochondrial dysfunction/damaged oxidative phosphorylation triggers production of ROS instead of ATP, causing damage to DNA, lipids & proteins. This ROS is carcinogenic. Since the cell control switch is gone, cells start to proliferate & grow & resort to inefficient means of energy production- fermentation, fermenting glucose vs glutamine via glycolysis & glutaminolysis pathways. The byproduct/waste product is lactic acid. However this is not just a waste product, it leads to immune suppression. Lactic acid acidifies tumour microenvironment & alters cellular pH level( from normal 7.5 to 6-6.5), making it acidic. This has multiple effects that favours cancer cell growth -Lactic acid protects cancer cells, it's like a shield. -This shield render chemotherapy, immunotherapies & other targeted therapies ineffective -Lactic acid is an immune suppressor. In effect it suppresses anti-cancer immune responses. -Low pH environment created by lactic acid leads to loss ot T-cell immune function -Fall in pH level promotes multiple cancer processes including angiogenesis, invasion & metastasis Finally it drives malignant progression of cancer cells by suppressing immune function. Unfortunately, the current healthcare system treating cancer never propagates starving cancer cells of the fermentable fuels. In Fact you would see a lot of practitioners may not restrict their cancer patients to consuming glucose as during cancer progression, patients experience extreme weight loss. They do not realise that lack of focus on precision nutrition is pushing the patient towards a metastatic stage with a low chance of survival. Citations #cancer #cancerprevention #oncology #gutmcrobiome Sakshi Bali Shashi Shekhar M. Dr Kamal Karnatak
Lactic Acid secreted by cancer cells suppress anti cancer immune response #cancerawareness #biology
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🌞🔬 Do Vitamin D & Genomic Ancestry Affect Cancer Cells? 🧬✨ 🤝🧑 Join us as we chat with Dr. Moray Campbell, PhD, MS, a cancer biologist at Cedars-Sinai Cancer, unraveling the impact of Vitamin D and genomic ancestry on cancer cells💡 🎶 🔍 Discover: 🔹 How Vitamin D influences prostate cancer 🔹 The link between genetic makeup and cancer cell behavior 🔹 Insights into gene expression in prostate cancer 🔹 Sources of Vitamin D for optimal health 🥦☀️ 🚀 Dive into the science and stay informed! Click the link in our bio or description above to listen now! 🎧📲👆 Listen on 🍏 Apple Podcasts: . . . #VitaminD #ProstateCancer #CancerResearch #HealthAndWellness #MedicalScience #Nutrition #Prevention #HealthyLiving #SunshineVitamin #CancerAwareness #Findinggeniuspodcast #Healthpodcast #Internalmedicinepodcast #Biosciencespodcas
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📢 Original Research Sharing-Vol. 29 No. 10 💕 Title: A Dot-Blot Screening for Identifying the Temozolomide-Regulated Proteins as Potential Targets for Glioma Multi-OMICS Studies 🤵 Authors: Anna Maria Bielecka-Wajdman,*, Grzegorz Machnik, Christina Linnebacher, Michael Linnebacher, Katarzyna Stec-Grosman, Ewa Obuchowicz 🔔 Full Text: 🔑 Keywords: glioma glioma biomarkers temozolomide glioma cell lines 😎Welcome to your reading! #Bioscience #biomedicalscience #biochem #medicalscience #ScienceCommunication #Biochemistry #StemCell #Virology #CancerResearch #immunology #Genetics #MolecularBiology #Microbiology #medicine #health #CellularHealth #CellCancer
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- Article title: Blood Cell Concentration Oscillations in Healthy and Tumors Affected Organisms Author(s): Berezin AA; Shmid AV Journal: Annals of Circulation Journal ISSN: 2641-2985 Abstract: Daily oscillations in the concentrations of segmented neutrophils and lymphocytes in mice and humans (both healthy and affected by acute and genetically inherited leukemia, solid tumors and some inflammatory diseases) were studied. The analysis showed the breakage of phase synchronization of daily oscillations only in all cases of tumor diseases whereas is in cases of inflammatory diseases the phase remained synchronized. #AcuteCoronarySyndrome #AnginaPectoris #AorticDissection #AtrialFibrillation #Peertechz #PeertechzPublications #Cardiomyopathy #CardiovascularDiseases #CongenitalHeartDisease #CoronaryArteryDisease #Endocarditis #PercutaneousCoronaryIntervention #PulmonaryEmbolism
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Medicinal mushrooms have been used in traditional medicine for centuries, but modern research is now unveiling their potential in cancer care. Personally, I'm fascinated by the growing body of evidence supporting their use. 𝗞𝗲𝘆 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗵𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺𝘀 𝗯𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝘁𝘂𝗱𝗶𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗹𝘂𝗱𝗲: 1. Turkey Tail (Coriolus versicolor): Known for its immune-boosting properties. 2. Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum): May help reduce fatigue and improve quality of life during treatment. 3. Shiitake (Lentinus edodes): Contains lentinan, which has shown potential in enhancing the effects of chemotherapy. 4. Maitake (Grifola frondosa): Studies suggest it may have anti-tumor properties. These fungi contain complex polysaccharides and beta-glucans that appear to modulate the immune system and potentially inhibit tumor growth. However, it's crucial to note that while promising, much of the research is still in early stages. Integrating medicinal mushrooms into cancer care requires careful consideration. Dosage, timing, and potential interactions with other treatments must be evaluated on an individual basis. Interested in exploring how medicinal mushrooms might complement your cancer treatment? Let's discuss your unique situation and the latest research in this exciting field. Book a consultation with me at Subscribe to my newsletter 📨 at for exclusive content, and exciting updates delivered directly to your inbox. 📢 Join the conversation and stay informed! #DrSammND #DrSamm #MedicinalMushrooms #IntegrativeOncology #CancerResearch
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Nucleolar stress (NS) is linked to age-related diseases like cancer and neurodegeneration. To investigate NS toxicity, researchers used (PR)n arginine-rich peptides, which are known to be involved in some neurodegenerative diseases. They found that (PR)n expression decreases translation and causes free ribosomal (r) protein accumulation. Additionally, (PR)n-resistant cells have lower rates of r-protein synthesis. Inhibition of ribosome biogenesis via mTOR inhibition or MYC depletion reduces (PR)n toxicity in vitro. Systemic expression of (PR)97 in mice induces widespread NS and accelerates aging, which rapamycin alleviates. This study reveals that orphan r-protein accumulation is a common result of NS-inducing perturbations and demonstrates how NS induces cellular toxicity. The findings suggest NS as a mammalian aging driver and offer insights into potential therapeutic targets. Visit us at #neurodegeneration #ribosome #aging #nucleolarstress #cancer
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