The Spectra-Physics Vanguard™ One™ UV125 is a compact,all-in-one, quasi-CW laser delivering >125 mW of UV power. The new laser operates air-cooled with low noise of <1% rms and delivers a long-operating life and low cost of ownership. -Low noise quasi-cw output of <1% rms -Air-cooled design with <100 W heat dissipation -Excellent beam quality M2 <1.2 -Durable, reliable, and rugged -Compact all-in-one design -Closed-loop power control -Flow Cytometry -Cell Sorting -Wafer Inspection -Electron Microscopy -Confocal Microscopy -Laser-induced Fluorescence
Mitra Laser Teknolojileri’s Post
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CRYOVAC is pleased to share our work on a UHV STM with pulse tube and Joule–Thomson cooling operating at sub-pm z-noise. In collaboration with RWTH Aachen University (Group by Prof. Dr. Markus Morgenstern: “Electron Systems at the Atomic Scale”), the Review of Scientific Instruments has accepted a paper reporting the system's design and successful tests. Key takeaways: 👉 UHV STM combines two-stage pulse tube cooler and Joule-Thomson cooling stage. 👉 Achieves stability in z direction of < 1pm_RMS at 5 kHz bandwidth 👉The system uses a multipartite approach, including bellows with minimal stiffness to decouple the PTC vibrationally from the STM and an optimized STM design with minimal vibrational transfer to the STM junction. 👉Decoupling stages can be applied to secondary cooling cycles like dilution refrigerators. 👉System design allows for the implementation of a superconducting magnet around STM. Read more: CRYOVAC low temperature technologies can provide the system with a bespoke design for your DRY UHV scanning tunneling microscope. Please reach out to us for further information. *** Cryogenic Solutions Tailored for Research and Industry #Closed-cycle cooling, #UHV, #Pulsetuberefrigerator, #Vibration, #Scanningprobemicroscopy, #STM
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CRYOVAC low temperature technologies starts off by sharing our first paper of the year, written in collaboration with the Group by Prof. Dr. Markus Morgenstern at RWTH Aachen University. This paper presents the UHV STM system with pulse tube and Joule–Thomson cooling, with a focus on 📌improving closed-cycle operation down to 1.5 K 📌eliminating thermal drift 📌efficient vibrational decoupling Looking forward to continued work in this domain!
CRYOVAC is pleased to share our work on a UHV STM with pulse tube and Joule–Thomson cooling operating at sub-pm z-noise. In collaboration with RWTH Aachen University (Group by Prof. Dr. Markus Morgenstern: “Electron Systems at the Atomic Scale”), the Review of Scientific Instruments has accepted a paper reporting the system's design and successful tests. Key takeaways: 👉 UHV STM combines two-stage pulse tube cooler and Joule-Thomson cooling stage. 👉 Achieves stability in z direction of < 1pm_RMS at 5 kHz bandwidth 👉The system uses a multipartite approach, including bellows with minimal stiffness to decouple the PTC vibrationally from the STM and an optimized STM design with minimal vibrational transfer to the STM junction. 👉Decoupling stages can be applied to secondary cooling cycles like dilution refrigerators. 👉System design allows for the implementation of a superconducting magnet around STM. Read more: CRYOVAC low temperature technologies can provide the system with a bespoke design for your DRY UHV scanning tunneling microscope. Please reach out to us for further information. *** Cryogenic Solutions Tailored for Research and Industry #Closed-cycle cooling, #UHV, #Pulsetuberefrigerator, #Vibration, #Scanningprobemicroscopy, #STM
An ultra-high vacuum scanning tunneling microscope with pulse tube and Joule–Thomson cooling operating at sub-pm z-noise
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Measurement methods used for laser crystals: } X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for measurement of chemical composition of crystals } Zygo double pass interferometers - for WFD and parallelism measurements } Autocollimators for parallelism measurement } Optical microscopes for surface and bulk inspection } Nomarski microscopes for surface inspection } UV-VIS-NIR and IR spetrophotometers } Extinction ratio measurement } Bulk + coating transmittance at 1064 nm } Active measurements in free-running and Q-switched lasers Contact for more information. #Cryphosphor #Laser #DETECTOR #OPTICS #SCINTILLATION #HiLIGHT #g4s #CRYSTAL #CRYPHOSPHOR #Monocrystalline #TRIKOLOR #beamlight #Sapphit #Microscopy #SENSOR #ULTRACLEAN #ceramicmaterials #THERMOCOUPLE #CORUNDUMCERAMICS #Crystallineoptical #Sapphit #Sapphittubes #autoradiography #RASPIXdetector #CRYPIXDETECTOR #detectors #Neutrondetector #Scintillationpowders #Particletracking #MicroScintillation #Scintillationapplications #prototypes #ALPHACAMDETECTOR #scintillation #crystals #Czochralski #detection #Scintillationdetectors #Electron #Microscopy #ElectronMicroscopySolutions #led #lighting #crystal #crytur #energylighting #Cryphosphor #Monocrystalline #Phosphors #luminophore #ledscreen #LASERSCRYPHOSPHOR™ #electronics #Crytur
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Thorlabs’ new Pure Air Circulator Unit provides an extremely clean, dry atmosphere for closed-loop experimental setups with a three-stage filtration system that removes moisture, particulates, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The included filters are designed to quickly and reliably purge contaminants from inside sealed experimental volumes, generating very-high-purity environmental conditions. This closed-loop laboratory air circulator is an ideal choice for use in infrared spectroscopy measurements, which can be extremely sensitive to water vapor. It is also useful in applications that benefit from a pure and clean atmosphere, like the cavities of our Octavius femtosecond lasers. Learn More at: #UltraFastLaser #OpticalSpectrumAnalyzer #OSA #photonics #laser
Pure Air Circulator Unit (PACU2)
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MICRO SYSTEMS - CRYCAM™ MICRO-X The new CRYCAM™ Micro-X is a versatile device dedicated to high-resolution X-ray imaging and tomography inspection. High spatial resolution is achieved at a short distance from the X-ray source, which offers high efficiency, precision and small experimental setup. It is a valuable tool complementary to flat-panels with a focus on greater detail in NDT cabinets. A set of optional imaging sets allows the user to choose corresponding imaging field and spatial resolution, a feature which NDT system and synchrotron users appreciate. Contact for more information. #Cryphosphor #Laser #DETECTOR #OPTICS #SCINTILLATION #HiLIGHT #g4s #CRYSTAL #CRYPHOSPHOR #Monocrystalline #TRIKOLOR #beamlight #Sapphit #Microscopy #SENSOR #ULTRACLEAN #ceramicmaterials #THERMOCOUPLE #CORUNDUMCERAMICS #Crystallineoptical #Sapphit #Sapphittubes #autoradiography #RASPIXdetector #CRYPIXDETECTOR #detectors #Neutrondetector #Scintillationpowders #Particletracking #MicroScintillation #Scintillationapplications #prototypes #ALPHACAMDETECTOR #scintillation #crystals #Czochralski #detection #Scintillationdetectors #Electron #Microscopy #ElectronMicroscopySolutions #led #lighting #crystal #crytur #energylighting #Cryphosphor #Monocrystalline #Phosphors #luminophore #ledscreen #LASERSCRYPHOSPHOR™ #electronics #Crytur
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Did you know substrate biasing is a technique for shaping film properties, microstructure, and electrical properties during plasma-assisted ALD processes? The post below shows a scanning transmission electron microscopy image of an HfNx film grown in two steps with varying substrate potentials. Films prepared on grounded substrates displayed higher electrical resistivity compared to those on biased surfaces. These differences in electrical property stem from energetic and directional ion bombardment controlled by RF bias on the substrate. To learn how more about ion energy measurements click here - To read the full paper click here - #rfplamsa #ald #ale #ionenergymeasurement #semiconductors #semiconductorindustry #semiconductormanufacturing #semiconductortechnology #semicondutordevices #plasmadiagnostics
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🏷️ Thickness Control of Carbon Film in Vacuum Carbon Coaters 💎 Control of carbon film thickness deposited on the samples to be analyzed by electron microscopy (SEM, TEM, FE-SEM, and etc.) or Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) should be accurate to obtain the best result. The QCM monitoring of the thickness of carbon thin film deposition by resistive evaporation of carbon sources (Rod or Fiber) happens at high temperatures that may cause sensor heating and failure. 💡If you are interested in, you can read more: 👉 Vac Coat Vacuum Coating Systems: #thickness #carbon_film #carbon_coater #electron_microscope #edx
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🏷️ Thickness Control of Carbon Film in Vacuum Carbon Coaters 💎 Control of carbon film thickness deposited on the samples to be analyzed by electron microscopy (SEM, TEM, FE-SEM, and etc.) or Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) should be accurate to obtain the best result. The QCM monitoring of the thickness of carbon thin film deposition by resistive evaporation of carbon sources (Rod or Fiber) happens at high temperatures that may cause sensor heating and failure. 💡If you are interested in, you can read more: 👉 Vac Coat Vacuum Coating Systems: #thickness #carbon_film #carbon_coater #electron_microscope #edx
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Finally out in Nanophotonics! "Guiding light with surface exciton–polaritons in atomically thin superlattices" Single-molecule-thick layers of 2d-semiconductors have amazing optical properties. Light can be confined to very small volumes by such materials, with promising applications for ultra compact devices. We study light in superlattices made of multiple WS2 monolayers, and demonstrate that superlattices can improve and allow better tunability of the light behavior. This was possible thanks to the great work of the co-authors,T. V. Raziman, Sandra de Vega, Javier García de Abajo, and Alberto G. Curto If you are interested, please read the full paper here; #Superlattice #Exciton–polaritons #2D-semiconductors #WS2 #Van der Waals heterostructures
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new preprint alert (corresponding author on this one!): here we used half-broadband two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy to investigate, with improved frequency and time resolution, the previously reported ultrafast symmetry-breaking charge separation (SB-CS) in the subphthalocyanine (SubPc) oxo-bridged homodimer. TD-DFT and cross-peaks reveal the dimer’s excitonic structure, whilst ultrafast spectral evolution unveils subtle features of structural relaxation, solvation dynamics and inhomogeneous broadening leading to the symmetry-broken state formation. Vibrational wavepackets reveal dimer specific low frequency Raman modes coupled to higher frequency vibrations localised on the SubPc cores. Finally, beatmap amplitude distributions characteristic of excitonic dimers with multiple bright states are reported and analysed. read here:
Symmetry-breaking charge-separation in a subphthalocyanine dimer resolved by two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy
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