We are all responsible for our lives!
Every organism depends on a clean water supply for survival. Human beings use billions of gallons every day. After use, wastewater can carry harmful chemicals and bacteria that damage the environment. Proper treatment is necessary to prevent wastewater problems.
Environmentally, water wastage contributes to water scarcity, depletion of natural resources, and damage to aquatic life and ecosystems. Economically, it leads to increased water bills and costs, loss of revenue for businesses, and decreased agricultural production.
Bacteria, viruses and disease-causing pathogens can pollute beaches and contaminate shellfish populations, leading to restrictions on human recreation, drinking water consumption and shellfish consumption; Metals, such as mercury, lead, cadmium, chromium and arsenic can have acute and chronic toxic effects on species.
Furthermore, in places where clean water is scarce, overusing or wasting household water limits the availability of it for other communities to use for drinking, cleaning, cooking, or growing—and thus contributes to disease, illness, or agricultural scarcity and starvation.
#water #wastemanagement #sustainbility
#Wastewater is a valuable resource, not a problem.
When properly treated, we can use it to reduce pollution & combat water scarcity!
7mo2. Scrubbers.