Holiday stress at work is real, but it’s manageable! ☃️ 💼 Tips like setting boundaries, prioritizing tasks, and fostering team support can make a big difference. Remember, self-care is key during the festive hustle. READ THESE TIPS FOR MANAGING HOLIDAY STRESS: ➡️ For more leadership tips and strategies follow MMI Communication: #mmicom #mmicommunication #leadershipvoice #executivecoach #leadershipcoaching
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Holiday stress at work is real, but it’s manageable! ☃️ 💼 Tips like setting boundaries, prioritizing tasks, and fostering team support can make a big difference. Remember, self-care is key during the festive hustle. READ THESE TIPS FOR MANAGING HOLIDAY STRESS: ➡️ For more leadership tips and strategies follow MMI Communication: #mmicom #mmicommunication #leadershipvoice #executivecoach #leadershipcoaching
How To Manage Holiday Stress At Work
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The holidays are upon us! For title & escrow folks, that typically means showing up late to the week night functions and having no concept of a day off on Black Friday. Our latest blog post is your survival guide for navigating the end-of-year rush while prioritizing your team's well-being. 💪 Learn practical strategies for stress management. 💪 Discover leadership tips to support your team. 💪 Ensure everyone finishes strong and starts the new year refreshed. 🔗 #titleandescrow #burnoutprevention #holidaystress #leadership #wellbeing #worklifebalance
Beat Burnout: Title & Escrow Holiday Survival Guide — Beyond Title
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Small breaks do wonders for company culture and team morale. Sometimes even just 5 minutes of chatting can give people the needed rest that allows them to lock in and be productive throughout the day. Practices like these don't just affect productivity, but the fabric of culture as well. #Leadership #OrganizationalCulture
Don’t Underestimate the Power of Small Breaks During a Busy Workday
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It's Friday, and as we wrap up another productive week, let's take a moment to reflect on our well-being. 🌿 Work-life harmony, not balance, is the key to thriving both in our professional and personal lives. The concept of "balance" implies a trade-off, but "harmony" suggests a more holistic integration of our responsibilities and passions. 🔄 As leaders, it's crucial to lead by example, prioritizing self-care and setting boundaries to ensure we are the best version of ourselves for our families and our teams. Remember, taking regular breaks isn't a sign of weakness; it's a strategy for long-term success and sustainability. 🛌💡 Here are a few simple, yet effective, ways to integrate self-care into your daily routine: ✅ Schedule "me-time" into your calendar as you would any important meeting. ✅ Unplug from technology for at least an hour before bed. ✅ Practice gratitude by acknowledging one thing you're thankful for each day. This weekend, I’m challenging you to disconnect, recharge, and reflect on how you can create a more harmonious work-life blend. Your mind and body will thank you. 💖 Let's continue to support each other in finding our unique path to wellness and leadership excellence. #LeadershipWellness #SelfCare #RetailLeaders #Leadershipcoach 👉 Share your favorite self-care tip in the comments or tag a fellow leader who inspires you to take care of yourself. Found this message uplifting? Comment below and share it with other leaders to spread the encouragement. 💬🔄
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Interesting thoughts for culture within the workplace Leaders who generate workplace happiness also create significant competitive advantages. New research suggests the debate should be reframed from reward-focused happiness to purpose-driven happiness. When we connect what we are doing at work with why we are doing it, we become a lot happier. Big Think #culture #people #planet #purpose #happiness #business #leaders #leadership
4 ways to turn workplace happiness into a competitive advantage
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As many of us look forward to enjoying a few days away from work, it's a perfect time to reflect on the rhythm of our daily routines. Let's seize this opportunity for a fresh start: upon return, instead of falling back into the same continuous grind that may wear us down, how about consciously integrating brief pauses into our day? Every week, our editorial team reviews and discusses the top new business ideas and best practices among a variety of reputable sources. This week, we explored the significant benefits of integrating breaks into the workday to boost productivity and well-being, inspired by the eight strategies outlined in this article: To stay informed about the latest insights on leadership and management, follow and connect with us on LinkedIn. #contentcuration #nextsteppartners #breaks #personalproductivity #wellbeing
Eight Strategies to Build More Breaks Into Your Day | Next Step Partners®
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Work-life balance can be achieved by identifying what you need, then crafting a proposal to take to your boss #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #leadershiptips #coaching #executivecoaching #leadershipcoaching #executivepresence
Creating a happier, healthier you through work-life balance - SmartBrief
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I feel nobody should use the term "work-life balance" anymore. While the concept is a positive one, the distinction in the term is negative: the idea that life is a few hours squeezed between work and sleep is simply wrong. Work is part of life and it cannot be separated from it. Let me try to explain. Work cannot be painful 8-10-12 hours waiting for "life" in the evenings, over the weekends or during leave. If that is the case, work is a prison that should be abandoned (like in the picture of the attached article). Work must be a place where life is enjoyed, where relationships are built, where dreams are dreamt, where the potential of each one is expanded, and where results are achieved and celebrated, alone and with others. The right workplace must also leave space for people to continue their lives outside of it, with families and friends, through travels, books, music, sports and all the hobbies that make life worth it. Humane working hours and flexibilities are a must to support the development of fulfilled individuals who are productive employees but are so much more than that. Finally, great leaders should lead by example, showing that life at work and life outside work are not in opposition. On the contrary, they mutually reinforce each other, as they integrate for the fulfillment of each person, regardless of rank. I don't know if I am alone in disliking the term "work-life balance". But if there's anyone else in agreement, can we please ditch the concept of "work-life balance" and maybe start talking about (and supporting!) "life balance" instead? PS: the Harvard Business Review article was a triggering one for me (hence this post!): it has some gems but it also uses the "work-life balance" term. I would be curious to hear what others may think of the article and of this post..
You Can Be a Great Leader and Also Have a Life
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🎄 Thoughtful Leadership During the Holiday Season 🎄 The holidays bring joy, but they can also bring stress and pressure—especially for your team. As a leader, this is the perfect time to show thoughtfulness and care. Here are a few ways to support your team during this busy season: 1️⃣ Acknowledge the Pressure: Recognize that the holidays often mean juggling personal and professional responsibilities. A little empathy can go a long way in reducing stress. 2️⃣ Respect Personal Time: Encourage work-life balance by avoiding last-minute deadlines or unnecessary meetings. If possible, offer flexible schedules or extra time off to allow your team to focus on their personal commitments. 3️⃣ Show Gratitude: A simple “thank you” can have a huge impact. Let your team know how much you appreciate their efforts and contributions throughout the year. The holidays are a wonderful opportunity to strengthen connections and create a supportive, positive workplace. Thoughtful leadership during this time not only boosts morale but also builds trust and loyalty for the long term. #HolidayLeadership #ThoughtfulLeadership #TeamSupport #LeadWithCare
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Just sharing Emanuele Capobianco 's post to raise awareness. What are your thoughts on work and life, are they on opposite ends of a see saw and need to be balanced? Or, should we just focus on a good life balance, which includes taking care of all elements, such as work, health & nutrition and well-being, and many other aspects of life. #selfdevelopment #health #work #wellbeing #mentalhealth
Director of Global Health Security @ GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance - Visiting Professor in Global Health - Certified Professional Coach
I feel nobody should use the term "work-life balance" anymore. While the concept is a positive one, the distinction in the term is negative: the idea that life is a few hours squeezed between work and sleep is simply wrong. Work is part of life and it cannot be separated from it. Let me try to explain. Work cannot be painful 8-10-12 hours waiting for "life" in the evenings, over the weekends or during leave. If that is the case, work is a prison that should be abandoned (like in the picture of the attached article). Work must be a place where life is enjoyed, where relationships are built, where dreams are dreamt, where the potential of each one is expanded, and where results are achieved and celebrated, alone and with others. The right workplace must also leave space for people to continue their lives outside of it, with families and friends, through travels, books, music, sports and all the hobbies that make life worth it. Humane working hours and flexibilities are a must to support the development of fulfilled individuals who are productive employees but are so much more than that. Finally, great leaders should lead by example, showing that life at work and life outside work are not in opposition. On the contrary, they mutually reinforce each other, as they integrate for the fulfillment of each person, regardless of rank. I don't know if I am alone in disliking the term "work-life balance". But if there's anyone else in agreement, can we please ditch the concept of "work-life balance" and maybe start talking about (and supporting!) "life balance" instead? PS: the Harvard Business Review article was a triggering one for me (hence this post!): it has some gems but it also uses the "work-life balance" term. I would be curious to hear what others may think of the article and of this post..
You Can Be a Great Leader and Also Have a Life
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