HURRY-UP; Disburse, Expand, Achieve and Retain your GLOBAL BRAND-Leadership of education financing businesses!! I being an Insurance Principles, Law and Claim Specialist And Holder Of the professional degree ACII from the world's largest financial Institution The Chartered Insurance Institute, London,UK as well as A Marketing And Development Strategist having Multifaceted Expertise, would like to Suggest You To REVISE YOUR FUNDING/ loan providing STRATEGY/POLICY; obviously by increasing existing rate of interests that you have been charging for the loan amount but must Offer 100% Education-purposes- LOAN To genuinely and fully Cover All expenses and expenditure of a student from her/his admission fees & plane-fare to Tuition fees , Living & accommodation costs, health Insurance premium,etc. to be repaid after graduation and/or on getting job/employment! whatever the loan amount disbursed, if the loan-receiving student fails to repay your loan or become defaulter, you can secure your money by Purchasing A Comprehensive Group-Loan-Liability-Insurance-coverage from a Competent Globally Renowned Insurance Company/Insurer for the sum-insured / Full Insured Value (equivalent to principal amount PLUS some more / other related expenditures incurred or to be incurred in addition to or in excess of the 'gross total loan amount disbursed) that has been disbursed within a certain period at your convenient sequence of disbursements - accumulation/aggregation; say for ; per day, per week or per month basis! Therefore and thereby not only Safeguard your loan if any of the loan receiving student of the group-liability-Insurance-pool become defaulter and/or unable to repay the loan plus its accumulated interests but also for the Sake Of Rapid, Sure And Sustainable Growth and development of Your education-financing-Businesses! HURRY-UP! Expand, Achieve and Retain your GLOBAL BRAND-Leadership of education financing businesses!! Regards and best of successes! Mohammed Iqbal Mazumder ACII 1. Academic Qualification: -Bachelor's : B.Sc.(Hon’s) in Mathematics; Statistics & Economics(Minors/ subsidiary), 1987 and -Masters : M.Sc in Mathematics,1988; Average Marks obtained: 46%; University of Chittagong, Bangladesh 2. Professional Degree: Associate Of The Chartered Insurance Institute, UK; Credits Completed: 290; Marks Obtained: 60%+; Subjects Studied: 10(Passed By Examination With Distinction In 5(Five) Out Of 10(Ten) Subjects; Degree (ACII) Awarded: 2013; 3. Job Experience: - As Insurance (P&C- Claims) Professional : 28+; - As Sales And Marketing Professional (Other than Insurance) : 2 Years + Residence & Contact Address: 27A/6 Dhakeshwari Road, P.O: Posta-1211, Lalbagh, Dhaka, Bangladesh Mobile Phone No. +880 1817565695; E-mail: LinkedIn URL:
I The University of Waterloo has officially opened its state-of-the-art Inert Atmosphere Fabrication Lab (IAFL) as part of the Quantum-Nano Fabrication and Characterization Facility (QNFCF). Many materials used in quantum-nano fabrication can easily react with oxygen, so they must be assembled in a special, oxygen-free environment. This lab was carefully designed and built by the QNFCF team, with help from Angstrom Engineering and JEOL USA, to support the quantum research community at the University of Waterloo and beyond. More: | #UWaterlooNews