One of the most frequent questions I’m asked is, “What year will factory farming end?” 🙋💬 We don’t know exactly when we’re going to end factory farming, but that hasn’t stopped people from throwing out numbers! 🗓️ As the Executive Director of a nonprofit with “end factory farming” in our mission statement, I often face this question. It’s clear that different timelines lead to different strategies. If you believe we’ll live in a world without factory farming in one year, your approach will be very different from someone who thinks it will take 100 years. Since I’m working with high school and college students, you can imagine that my timeline is on the longer side. But that doesn’t mean I’m not hopeful. 🌱 Instead of asking when factory farming will end, I believe the better question is: how do we know if we’re on the right track? I had some great conversations about this topic at the Reducetarian Foundation Summit. What are your thoughts on this question? #endfactoryfarming #foodssystem #leadership #newrootsinstitute #progress #measuringsuccess
Excellent point about focusing on NOW and ask "How do we know if we are on the right track?". This is a good question for those interested in cutting the time short. Millions of vegans and vegetarians understand the facts, greenwashing and importance of moving away from factory farms. But very few get involved in political advocacy for systemic change. If we leverage our democratic rights and make our voices heard, I am positive the end is sooner for the benefit of ALL. Animal Policy Alliance is a good way for those interested in bringing systemic change in our food system.
I'm keeping an eye on Measure J in Sonoma, CA which would effectively end CAFO's in that county. The result of this initiative will be a strong indicator of progress (or not).
Thanks for this post Monica, very interesting! I also think that evidence of being on track is very important. I find it compelling to feel like we can end factory farming during this century. It would be useful to see various timelines and strategies at a glance and then we can measure whether we are on track depending on what strategy we are currently working on.
🌍 Helping cities drive authentic and impactful climate action 🌱
2moMy thoughts on "How do we know if we're on the right track"—The biggest green flag for me is when adjacent movements acknowledge factory farming's harm. When I see environmental groups publishing studies on CAFOs it makes me very happy... When I see a city's food plan include plant-based language it makes me feel hopeful. This kind of progress lets me know that things are changing because of our work.