As ex-entrepreneur in digital tech, I was very pleased to share the stage with my colleague Moe Ba, ITU innovation expert, for this first Live Q&A, this time on digital innovation for sustainable development. What topic would you like to be discussed in another Q&A with an ITU expert? Put your favorite in the comments below. Some highlights from the recording below of our first Live Q&A: - Digital innovation is a productivity gainer (tech is not a root cause of change; tech is there to help you do a job) - Top 3 industries globally that urgently require sustainable development supported by tech: energy, transportation, construction - Make your small piece of the pie a big pie through collaboration to get complementary resources, opportunities and capabilities to drive digital innovation together (to mitigate silos in today’s specialized economy); no one can get innovative products to market alone - Policy needs to be agile to adapt to rapidly changing technology and provide support to innovators early in their journey; 90% of SMEs fail because they cannot figure out the right business model and collaboration with partners, including the private sector, to go beyond prototype #WTISD #InnovateForProsperity #innovation
Monika Gehner’s Post
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Good news! The Innovation Workshop train is on the move again. We heard you couldn't wait for the next Innovation Workshop and it's almost here. Can you guess where the Innovation Workshop is coming to this time? Tell us in the comments 🌍📚 - #TDSeducation | #educationforsustainabledevelopment | #localizingthesdgs | #globalgoals | #mycommunityneedschangemakers
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🧭 The New European Innovation Agenda underscores the importance of accurate monitoring and evaluation as the cornerstone of effective #innovation policies. It emphasises that policies at both the EU and national levels must keep pace with the ever-changing nature of innovation to maintain their relevance. 🎉 We are thrilled to be part of an important initiative shaping the future of Europe's innovation landscape! The European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) have engaged a consortium led by 4FRONT, with #VisionaryAnalytics, European Future Innovation System (EFIS) Centre, OneTandem, and to launch an exploratory study “Towards a Pilot European Start-up Scoreboard”. The study aims to guide the process of selecting fit-for-purpose, operational concept definitions and indicators for a European Startup Scoreboard (ESS). ESS will complement the European Innovation Scoreboard, the Regional Innovation Scoreboard, and the Eco-Innovation Scoreboard. Read more in our latest #Spotlight in the comments and stay tuned for updates as we collaborate to build a more cohesive and innovative start-up ecosystem across Europe! #KnowledgeforImpact
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I have to say, #FEI is one of those events that I love (along with the excellent #TMRE) and so if you are tempted by an event this year that focuses on the bit of innovation that gets your products and services loved by people, because you meet people's needs in the best way possible, then I say get yourself over to Boston. Better yet, you can get 15% off, using my VIP Code 'JOIN15' here: . #mrx #humanbrands #innovationinsights Informa Connect
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May 17, 2024, WTISD - this year's theme: Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development. Cloopen empowers organizations to drive sustainable growth through digital innovation. #WTISD #DigitalInnovation #SustainableDevelopment #cloopen
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WSANigeria Jury Process: The Young Innovators Jury process is a strictly democratic and transparent system to guarantee a fair and diverse selection of worldwide digital innovation. Once a digital solution is picked, it has to pass several stages of evaluation and assessment before it can become a Winner. The Jury Process for Young Innovators runs parallel to the WSA Award, with an online jury and a grand jury. However, the jurors are selected specifically for the Young Innovators.
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Entries are officially open for the IISE Innovation Cup!! Sponsored by The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, the IISE Innovation Cup is an international competition that provides an exciting opportunity for companies to highlight their successful innovative solutions. The IISE Innovation Cup recognizes organizations for effective implementation of industrial and systems engineering principles and practices that deliver exemplary business performance improvement. Pictured here are the 2024 Innovation Cup winners. Learn more at #EngineeringExcellence #PerformanceImprovement #SystemsEngineeringAwards #IndustrialInnovation #LeanManufacturing #OperationalExcellence #EfficiencyChampions #BusinessTransformation #EngineeringForSuccess #BestInClassPerformance
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Knowledge application is a theoretical foundation of an university innovation ecosystem.
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Cenex is a great forum for Government, Funding Agencies and Industry to get together each year. As the UK struggles to maintain a strong position internationally in Automotive, more than ever we need to work hard to bridge the gap between innovation and industrialisation. My perspective is changing. It seems we (UK plc) have recently been spreading innovation support across broader technology fields and we have lots of innovation. How much of that “bridges the valley” in the UK is questionable as process innovation, commercial innovation and support with shovels in the ground seems a lot harder. We are great at supporting development of shiny systems to put on display stands but still seem to shy away from higher TRL/MRL support that gets things over the line. Perhaps at this time when we have a bit of a re-set we should consider this and instead of standing on one side of the valley building multiple lanes that only span 25% of the gap, we should be more selective and give longer deeper support towards TRL/MRL maturity actoss fewer technologies and projects. This was my “thought for the day” I had intended bringing to Cenex. Instead I share it here for discussion.
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Entries are officially open for the IISE Innovation Cup!! Sponsored by The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, the IISE Innovation Cup is an international competition that provides an exciting opportunity for companies to highlight their successful innovative solutions. The IISE Innovation Cup recognizes organizations for effective implementation of industrial and systems engineering principles and practices that deliver exemplary business performance improvement. Pictured here are the 2024 Innovation Cup winners. Learn more at #EngineeringExcellence #PerformanceImprovement #SystemsEngineeringAwards #IndustrialInnovation #LeanManufacturing #OperationalExcellence #EfficiencyChampions #BusinessTransformation #EngineeringForSuccess #BestInClassPerformance
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Entries are officially open for the IISE Innovation Cup!! Sponsored by The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, the IISE Innovation Cup is an international competition that provides an exciting opportunity for companies to highlight their successful innovative solutions. The IISE Innovation Cup recognizes organizations for effective implementation of industrial and systems engineering principles and practices that deliver exemplary business performance improvement. Pictured here are the 2024 Innovation Cup winners. Learn more at #EngineeringExcellence #PerformanceImprovement #SystemsEngineeringAwards #IndustrialInnovation #LeanManufacturing #OperationalExcellence #EfficiencyChampions #BusinessTransformation #EngineeringForSuccess #BestInClassPerformance
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