Making waves in the global animation industry with the collaboration of other Animation Studios Like Kids Land & Ingenuity Productions. Moonshot Animations is proud to be represented at the prestigious Red Sea Film Foundation in Saudi Arabia. It's an honor to showcase the creativity & talent of Pakistan's animation industry on an international platform paving the way for future collaborations & innovation. Here's to pushing boundaries & making our mark! #MoonshotAnimations #RedSeaFilmFestival #AnimationIndustry #PakistaniTalent #GlobalStage #CreativityUnleashed
CEO & Founder @ Kids Land | 2D/3D Animation I IP Development & Production | Original Content I Video Production I Children's TV & YouTube |
Powerhouse Animation Trio at the International Red Sea Film Festival! 🇸🇦 Thrilled to see these three animation industry titans in one frame at the prestigious Red Sea Film Festival 2024 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia! Aslam Sanghaar,Kids Animation Pvt. Ltd. (Kids Land) Hassan Bin Rizwan , Moonshot Animations (Sabaq) Muhammad Haris, Ingenuity Productions #RedSeaFilmFestival #Animation #SaudiArabia #KidsAnimation #MoonShoot #IngenuityProduction #IndustryLeaders #Ingenuity #Moonshot #kidsland