One of the key targets of Ghana’s Adolescent Health Service Policy and Strategy is to ensure that 90% of adolescents know about Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) services and rights. This phenomenon has led to establishing adolescent-friendly health facilities to increase adolescent access to health information and services. However, SRH services for adolescents, such as appropriate information, contraception, and treatment for STIs, are either not available or are provided in a way that makes adolescents feel unwelcome and embarrassed.
In this commentary, we shared insights into How to Enhance Effective Delivery of Quality Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Ghana. Health services must be sensitive to adolescents’ needs and developmental attributes to attract them.
Read this full commentary in the Global Journal on Quality and Safety in Healthcare.
New commentary by Kumah et al. "How to Enhance Effective Delivery of Quality Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Ghana" #qualityimprovement #adolescenthealthcare #reproductivehealth #JQSH