Assalam o Alaikum GIAIC Students! 🤗 The exam date is approaching soon. It’s time to start your thorough preparation. May Allah grant success to everyone. 🤗 #exam #announcement #update #linkedin #FYP #preparation #success #GIAIC #GovernorInitiative #KamranTessori #professional #trending #batch1
Muhammad Noman Abbasi’s Post
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Assalam o Alikum GIAIC Students! 🤗 The exam date is about to be announced. Everyone should start preparing. May Allah grant success to everyone. 🤗 #exam #date #update #linkedin #fyp #trend #prepared #Exam #batch1 #myTest #linkedin #GIAIC #governorinitiative #KamranTessorri #success #foryou #trend #post #linkedin
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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem Knowledge is one of the greatest rewards we can attain in this world. We must strive to seek it, and have a hunger for it. We must also strive to appreciate and use our knowledge to benefit those around us, and ourselves ultimately in the Hereafter. If you would like your children to learn and be able to deliver the best knowledge, enrol them at The Forerunners Education. We teach them the core subjects oriented around Islamic teachings and principles, so they never forget their duty to their Ummah to spread this knowledge. What's more, we're committed to ensuring this knowledge is delivered by the best teachers out there. Enrol now: 💭 Concept by: Sara Syed (for this revamped one - the original concept was completely Rufeida Alhatimy!) 💡 Inspired by: The TFE Instagram archive 🖌️ Designed by: Sara Syed 📌 Source:, an article by Hasan Hameed #DailyHadith #DailyReminder #HadithOfTheDay #ProphetMuhammadSAW #AtTirmidhi #AbuHuraira #KnowledgeEqualsPower #Learning #Knowledge
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One of our students, Master Gebu explains about his views on the skills and education RITI, provides. #EmpoweringBhutan #EmpoweringYouths. #STEMEDUCATION4ALL
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IBCC approved the new grading system for Matric and Intermediate exams. This initiative aims to modernize academic evaluation and reduce undue stress on students. Inter Boards Coordination Commission (IBCC) According to the new system, the pass percentage of all boards will be increased from 33% to 40%. GPA system will be introduced and the marks sheet will no longer mention the marks obtained by the student. What is the new grading system? How will the changes affect students? Explained here #result #ibcc #matric #inter #fa #fsc #fa #board #fbise #rawalpindi #lahore #karachi #gujranwala #news #breakingnews #student #education #edu #eduvision
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Today at evening I have awalk with #higibigi my dog During that I have live in #instagram talking about- #what course can be created? #current situation students are confused #but why we give less importance to graduation<future course (#mba , #skilldevelopment course) #Talking about selection of teacher who is not just imparting knowledge but also acting as #krishna (teacher) and guidance to #arjun (students)
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Online Quran Classes!
Online Quran Classes with Tajweed We Offer Professional Services to teach you and your kids. Our offer courses Quran Qaida / Norani Qaida Memorization Tajweed Tafseer Masnoon Dua Islamic Education and more. We have best Male and Female Certified and Verified Tutors responsible for your Qualified Education. We Would give you free 5 Day Free Trial. If you Like us sure you can go ahead but if in case not then there would be no obligation at all. visit:
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An exhilarating moment for MBIS as the media ( Mid Day Page 9) covers the remarkable achievements of our IGCSE students: Jyotirmay, Siyona, Krishiv, Kushaal, Ojal and Vihaan.
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Hello everyone, In this video, I have provided some insight regarding the syllabus of Sangeet Alankar exam conducted by Akhilbharatiya Gandharva Mahavidyalay. Do check it out....
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If you want to achieve something great, you must be willing to sacrifice. Learning and Preparation for Syllabus requires Giving up something you want now, for something you want more in the Examination Hall. ...Vikash Ranjan #Quotesoftheday #vikashranjan #upscmotivational #upsc #triumphias #Sociologyoptional #vikashranjansir
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