The Heartlessness of a Nation’s Leadership: A Cry for Justice
At least let us remember this: the dog in the video did not die for nothing. Her sacrifice will not be in vain.
She did not leave this world pointlessly. She died so that other dogs might find a better place—a place where true Turks can once again stand tall, proud of their compassion and humanity.
Her death is a haunting reminder of what we’ve lost and what we must fight to regain.
It is with profound sadness and anger that I write this today.
Since July, countless heart-wrenching images and videos have emerged from Turkey—of innocent dogs and other animals being brutally killed. This is not just about the lives of these animals; it is about the moral and ethical collapse of a nation under its current leadership.
How can a country expect respect from the world when it cannot uphold basic compassion within its own borders?
Once admired for its rich culture and traditions, Turkey is now becoming a global pariah—not just for its failing democracy but for the silent massacre of the voiceless.
Where is the conscience of those in power?
Merely placing a hand on the heart and offering hollow gestures is not enough. True leadership demands empathy, action, and justice.
Yet, the authorities have failed to protect these animals and, in doing so, have failed their people.
The erosion of respect begins at home.
A nation that turns a blind eye to such cruelty loses its moral compass and, with it, the respect of its citizens.
What hope is left for international dignity when even the basic rights of living beings are ignored?
This is not just Turkey’s shame—it is humanity’s failure. To those reading this abroad, know that there are still many within Turkey who fight against this cruelty, who refuse to accept this moral decay.
We need your voices, your outrage, and your solidarity.
Change begins with accountability. And accountability begins when the world refuses to stay silent.