He’s coming for you. Are you absolutely sure you have all of the right paperwork? Are you absolutely sure you paid the right amount of tax? Are you absolutely sure you did it all correctly? Are you absolutely sure? Sorry, the tax man’s not really coming, but I saw the fear in your eyes. And you’re not alone. We regularly speak to business owners who fear all of the above and are losing sleep. And we give our clients certainty. Having a bookkeeper isn’t simply about matching receipts against your bank statement. It’s an investment in your confidence. And an investment in your sleep. —-------------------------------------------------- I’m Nadia Gibbs and I help individuals, self-employed, partnerships and small limited companies to organise their finances. If you want to find out how, DM me the word CHAT.
I thought it was the grim reaper at first… 😂
This is brilliant
Ooooh, I like this graphic - awesome!!
⬇️ I'm the 15-Minute Guy! Giving you LinkedIn™️ Success in 15 Minutes a Day! Or your money BACK. | Author | Public Speaker | Coach | Podcaster |
10moHe's not c oming for me because I have a fantastic bookkeeper who keeps me organised Hang on That's YOU Nadia!!!