Naiz Fit’s Post

What is the #SizeConsistencyIndex? A recent brand case with Naiz Fit’s #SmartCatalogue revealed a Size Consistency Index of 67% in the Jeans category, which represents the percentage of sizes reported by Naiz Fit’s testers that match with their own usual size within the brand’s #Jeans category. In other words, a 67% Size Consistency Index means that if a person wore different 10 jeans models of a brand’s FW24 collection, there’d be a high chance to wear the same size only in 6-7 of them, the other models would fit either too large or too small accordingly (which means they’d need a bigger/smaller size). Get in touch with our team to get a product analysis with Smart Catalogue and evaluate your own Size Consistency Index. #NaizFit #SizeAndFit #Returns #Sizing #ProductDevelopment #Fitting

  • chart, line chart
Karina Berrios-Mendoza

Technical Design, Product Development and Sourcing Professional


I understand that individual brands need to have size consistency throughout the different fabrications. As each brand has a target market and an "ideal" customer body type and customer. A teen isn't going to shop in the same place as their parents. There is brand ideal size "fit" and there is what each individual person thinks the garment/silhouette should look like on themselves. Size is very subjective on both the design/product development side as well as the end users/customer expectation.

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