National Strategic Research Institute (NSRI) at the University of Nebraska’s Post

Via United States Department of Defense Nov. 20, 2024: As global tensions rise, the United States confronts a complex and evolving geostrategic landscape, demanding it modernize its strategic nuclear forces. Gen. Anthony J. Cotton, commander of the United States Strategic Command, yesterday, outlined the stakes during a "fireside chat" at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. His remarks illuminated the critical role of nuclear deterrence and its supporting platforms, particularly the Nuclear Command, Control and Communications system, in securing U.S. strategic dominance and maintaining global stability. In a conversation with Aerospace Security Project Director Kari Bingen, Cotton explained that contemporary threats are markedly different from those envisioned by strategic planners when nuclear modernization efforts began over a decade ago. He noted that these efforts — originally designed amid low-intensity conflicts like the war on terror — now require significant adaptation to address the increasingly aggressive postures of adversaries like Russia and China. "The world has changed since nuclear modernization efforts began," he said. "Our posture must align with today's reality, where nuclear weapons are foundational to adversaries' strategies." Cotton's observation reflects a shift in global power dynamics, where nuclear capabilities are not merely a deterrent but a central element of adversarial strategies to challenge American interests. --- Read the article ➡️ --- #strategicdeterrence #deterrence #assurance #nuclearweapons #Russia #China #readiness #adapability

Stratcom Commander Discusses Nuclear System Modernization

Stratcom Commander Discusses Nuclear System Modernization

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