Are you an impact-driven founder with transformative ideas? RESPOND is the perfect space to connect with a committed community, share innovative ideas, and build powerful networks. Don't miss out—be a part of this dynamic platform! Mohammad Aatish Khan Co-founder of NatureDots, sharing his RESPOND experience. 👉 Read more on RESPOND 👉 Apply for Cohort #6
⚡ Want to know what’s in it for you and your startup when joining RESPOND? See what our Cohort #4 Alumni, Mohammad Aatish Khan, can tell you about how the accelerator program was different from any other he had encountered so far. Find out how it helped him with valuable lessons on leadership and ho to make meaningful connections to advance his business, NatureDots, in the right direction. 👉 Read more on RESPOND 👉 Apply for Cohort #6 #HowWillYouRESPOND #ApplyNow #StartUp #Accelerator #Founder #Business