Dhanteras, also known as Dhanatrayodashi, marks the first day of the five-day Diwali festival in India and is considered an auspicious day for wealth and prosperity. “Dhan” means wealth, and “Teras” refers to the 13th day in the Hindu lunar calendar, specifically in the month of Kartik.
The day honors Dhanvantari, the Hindu god of medicine and health, who emerged during the churning of the cosmic ocean carrying a pot of amrita (elixir of life). Dhanteras is also associated with Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity.
How Dhanteras is Celebrated
1. Shopping for Precious Metals: A key tradition is buying precious metals, especially gold, silver, and new utensils. These purchases are considered lucky, as they symbolize welcoming wealth into the home.
2. Lakshmi Puja: People perform a Lakshmi Puja in the evening to honor the goddess of wealth. They light lamps and candles, praying for health, prosperity, and happiness.
3. Cleaning and Decorating Homes: Families thoroughly clean and decorate their homes. Rangoli designs are made at entrances, and decorative lamps and lights are placed to welcome positive energy and wealth.
4. Health and Well-being Rituals: Since Dhanteras is linked to health (honoring Lord Dhanvantari), people may pray for well-being, and some temples hold special prayers or distribute amrita-like offerings.
Dhanteras sets a festive and auspicious start for Diwali, with celebrations emphasizing prosperity, health, and positivity for the upcoming year.
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