Starting January 1, 2025, Tjark de Lange, the director of Kapp, will step in as chairman of the Stichting Warmtenetwerk (Dutch foundation for heat grids), succeeding Ernst Japikse, who has led the foundation for the past four years. Stichting Warmtenetwerk connects public and private entities—including government bodies, housing corporations, contractors, and educational institutions—with the shared mission of accelerating the shift toward sustainable heating solutions. “All of these parties, each with their own interests and concerns, face different challenges. It’s crucial to pinpoint where the bottlenecks are in the chain. Only then can we work together toward a common goal,” Tjark explains. The foundation serves as a key platform for fostering discussions and encouraging collaboration, even where interests may conflict. Ultimately, the goal remains the same: advancing sustainable heating in the Netherlands.
Focus on accurate public perception
A major focus for the coming years will be improving the public perception of district heating networks, which often don’t align with reality. Although these networks are essential in the shift to gas-free housing, they sometimes suffer from a poor public image. “We need to ensure that public perception aligns much more closely with the facts,” Tjark asserts. The goal to make 1.5 million homes and businesses gas-free by 2030, many of which will rely on district heating, requires practical action and a positive public image of collective heating.
Future growth and professionalization
Under Ernst Japikse’s leadership, the foundation has become a leading knowledge partner in the heating transition. It contributes valuable resources to knowledge projects and development programs, offering tools like the widely-used Heat Project Tool. This solid foundation allows the organization to grow further and play an impactful role in the energy transition.Tjark de Lange looks forward to his new role as chairman, with hopes to strengthen collaboration across the heating chain. “Our vision remains a sustainable, collective heating supply for the Netherlands. Collaboration and knowledge sharing are essential, and Sticthging Warmtenetwerk is the place where this happens.”
Until the end of 2024, Ernst Japikse will continue his dedicated work as chairman. With the foundation he has laid, Tjark de Lange will guide the organization into its next phase in the heat transition starting January 2025.
#districtheating #heatinggrid #sustainableheating
VERS VAN DE PERS : Op het Warmte Congrestival 2024 is vandaag de nieuwe voorzitter van Stichting Warmtenetwerk voorgesteld! Vanaf 1 januari 2025 neemt Tjark de Lange, directeur van engineeringsbedrijf Kapp, het stokje over van Ernst Japikse, wiens termijn van 4 jaar voorzitterschap erop zit.
Tjark de Lange heeft ruime ervaring als bestuurder en voorzitter van diverse organisaties, verenigingen en stichtingen en is ook op het maatschappelijke vlak zeer actief. “Ik heb enorm veel zin om deze ervaring in te zetten voor Stichting Warmtenetwerk om de energietransitie verder te brengen.”
Als voorzitter wordt De Lange verantwoordelijk voor de dagelijkse leiding van het bestuur van Stichting Warmtenetwerk en vertegenwoordigt hij de stichting naar buiten toe. Tevens ziet hij toe op de verdere uitrol van de strategie. “Belangrijk daarbij is dat de beeldvorming over warmtenetten veel dichter bij de realiteit moet komen."
Japikse en De Lange blikken samen terug en kijken vooruit naar kansen voor de warmteketen en de belangrijke rol die Stichting Warmtenetwerk heeft. Lees verder:
#samenwerken #kennisdelen #warmtenetten #energietransitie