NC Local Government Budget Association (NCLGBA) reposted this
If you’re looking for a big tent, welcoming #localgovernment organization that offers excellent professional development with a spirit of fun, may I introduce you to NC Local Government Budget Association (NCLGBA)? Amazing job with #NCLGBA24 Winter Board & conference planning team!
Our #NCLGBA24 Winter Conference in Charlotte wrapped up with some of our flagship session topics, and holiday cheer! 🏛️ Legislative Update with NC League of Municipalities’ Chris Nida and North Carolina Association of County Commissioners’ Denise H. (a special thank you to Denise for pulling double presenter duty this year!) 💰Economic Outlook with Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond’s Bethany Greene 🎄 Attendees busting out their favorite holiday wear and a reunion of some NCLGBA past presidents 🎁 Even more giveaways and our scholarship raffle drawing A major thank you to our members, new attendees, board, moderators, speakers, and sponsors, all of whom make these conference possible, fun, and useful to local government staff across North Carolina!