In 2000, the UN proclaimed May 22 as the International Day for Biological Diversity. Today, with the Kunming-Montreal Agreement aims to halt nature loss by 2023, urgent action is needed. 🌿 The real challenge is turning plans into meaningful actions. We must value nature and integrate sustainable practices across industries. Check out this article of Elisa Aragón our co-founder on how the flavor and fragrance industry is leading the way with Peru Balsam and Gaiacwood example. 🌏💼 #biodiversy #sustainability #conservation #businessandnature

In 2000, the UN proclaimed May 22 as the International Day for Biological Diversity to raise awareness. Twenty-two years later, the Kunming-Montreal Agreement aims to halt and reverse nature loss by 2030. Biodiversity is in crisis. Life on earth is in crisis and real action is needed. 🌿 This article explores how sustainable practices in the flavor and fragrance industry, focusing on Gaiacwood and Peru Balsam, can protect and promote biodiversity, ensuring a thriving coexistence of business and nature. 🌏💼 #nelixia #purposestartsatthesource #beyondconservation #internationaldayforbiologicaldiversity #gaiacwood #perubalsam #biodiversity

Beyond Conservation:
Sustainable Practices for Biodiversity Preservation

Beyond Conservation: Sustainable Practices for Biodiversity Preservation

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