Part 1b of posts for Birth and Childhood of Jesus from The 21st Century New Testament Glossary found for free at Of course, many traditions associated with Christmas have nothing to do with the New Testament account of Jesus’ birth. Most people know that Christmas trees, Christmas lights, snowmen, jolly elves, and Santa Claus are examples. Other traditions are more generally accepted but still have no connection to the biblical account. For example, one often-accepted tradition involves the donkey Mary rode on the trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem. In the New Testament, the donkey is never mentioned. The articles below will discuss other traditions inconsistent with the biblical message. The information in this glossary article is based on the New Testament accounts and a best-effort approach to use the historic and scientific data available today to account for how these events could’ve happened.
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Part 1b of posts for Christmas from The 21st Century New Testament Glossary found for free at (As a side note, most of the sites in Israel that are often pointed out as associated with events in the New Testament are either questionable or clearly wrong. In the next fourteen parts of this article, we’ll look at the evidence in several areas and consider how the events recorded in the Gospels may’ve taken place in a way that’s consistent with what we know of the culture and history of that time.) Of course, many traditions associated with Christmas have nothing to do with the New Testament account of Jesus’ birth. Most people know that Christmas trees, Christmas lights, snowmen, jolly elves, and Santa Claus are examples. Other traditions are more generally accepted but still have no connection to the biblical account. For example, one often-accepted tradition involves the donkey Mary rode on the trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem. In the New Testament, the donkey is never mentioned. The articles below will discuss other traditions inconsistent with the biblical message. The information in this glossary article is based on the New Testament accounts and a best-effort approach to use the historic and scientific data available today to account for how these events could’ve happened.
NCM-21 | A New Encouraging and Easy to Read Bible Version
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Part 2b of posts for Birth and Childhood of Jesus from The 21st Century New Testament Glossary found for free at This translation assumes that Augustus’ oath of allegiance was what Luke referred to, but this opens up a new possibility. The emperor’s order applied to the entire Roman Empire but not necessarily to everyone in the empire. For an oath of allegiance, women, slaves, and children would’ve been excluded. In fact, such an oath might’ve been limited to those most likely to have the power to lead an insurrection, such as the wealthy or those with royal heritage. (As a direct descendant of King David, Joseph would’ve been required to sign.) A decree for such an oath that only affected such a limited group and didn’t involve a special general taxation might well have caused little notice, explaining why scholars haven’t found more records of the event. If this is the case, Jesus’ birth must’ve occurred in 3 BC.
NCM-21 | A New Encouraging and Easy to Read Bible Version
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Excellent article tying the Old Testament to the NewTestament!
"As Luke and the first-century church learned from Christ, so do we."
‘In All the Scriptures': Interpreting the Old Testament with Luke – The Lutheran Witness
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The 1662 Book of Common Prayer continues to serve as a potent and powerful tool for establishing new Anglican communities. Discover how its straightforward, effective liturgy guides worshippers towards deeper faith and unity.
The 1662 and You: Church Planting with the 1662 Book of Common Prayer: International Edition - The Anglican Way
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There are two key questions to ponder as we enter into a New Year. These two are often used by members of the clergy to help illustrate parts of their sermons. These are questions that we all will have to answer when we are called to stand before God our Father, regardless if we believe or not, upon our day of Judgement. #1-- What did we do with the gift of His Son Jesus? #2 -- What did we do with the gifts of Time, Talent, and Treasure that God the Father bestowed upon us while upon the earth? The first is the most important questions, as it determines if we are written in the Lambs book. The second question is useless if we can't or haven't accepted Christ. If we have accepted Him, then this questions determines the level of treasures we have truly stored up in heaven. Thus it begs to ask, how will you answer these two most crucial of questions? Ponder these as you prepare to make Resolutions for the New Year and may they be a good part of your focus for this New Year and New Beginning we have in Christ.
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About New Century Ministries – Post 1 New Century Ministries is a Christian ministry, but unlike many, we are not urging people to go to church. Rather, we're encouraging people to do some good in the world with a small team of folks who share a passion to be the solution rather than the problem. What Christians are told in their own New Testament is that when they gather (and the New Testament provides no information about what day to meet or what time to meet), the focus of everything they do in the meeting is to be about building up the team. (There’s nothing about worshipping God as part of the meeting, because, as Jesus taught, worshipping God is to be a from-the-heart experience, not a ritualized experience where most of the people involved are focused on other things.) From God’s perspective, the idea is to bring a team together for fellowship, training, and encouragement (building up the team) so that they can then live out Jesus’ teachings in their daily lives. Visit for more information.
NCM-21 | A New Encouraging and Easy to Read Bible Version
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About New Century Ministries – Post 8 requirements for eternity As I mentioned in an earlier post, God cannot take people into his eternity if those people don’t trust him or if they haven’t learned to care about others. And having people who all care about each other is critical to making God’s eternity a paradise. So if some haven’t learned to trust him, sooner or later someone would try to take over and replace God, and that would be a disaster. (That was Eve’s main sin.) And if people haven’t learned to at least try to care about others, they’d bring selfishness, jealousy, greed, envy, and all sorts of evil with them and turn paradise into anything but a paradise. In the New Testament, Jesus used the word Gehenna to talk about hell. Gehenna was a valley outside of Jerusalem where the garbage was dumped. It was always smoldering or burning, and it stank. The message is that if we are on God’s team, we have nothing to fear, but if we aren’t on God’s team because we haven’t learned these critical lessons, God will have to send us to the garbage dump of hell. All he asks if for us to trust him, do what we know is right, and care about each other. That choice for eternity is a critical factor that motivates the faith in God and the compassionate care for others. Visit for more information.
NCM-21 | A New Encouraging and Easy to Read Bible Version
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About New Century Ministries – Post 8 requirements for eternity As I mentioned in an earlier post, God cannot take people into his eternity if those people don’t trust him or if they haven’t learned to care about others. And having people who all care about each other is critical to making God’s eternity a paradise. So if some haven’t learned to trust him, sooner or later someone would try to take over and replace God, and that would be a disaster. (That was Eve’s main sin.) And if people haven’t learned to at least try to care about others, they’d bring selfishness, jealousy, greed, envy, and all sorts of evil with them and turn paradise into anything but a paradise. In the New Testament, Jesus used the word Gehenna to talk about hell. Gehenna was a valley outside of Jerusalem where the garbage was dumped. It was always smoldering or burning, and it stank. The message is that if we are on God’s team, we have nothing to fear, but if we aren’t on God’s team because we haven’t learned these critical lessons, God will have to send us to the garbage dump of hell. All he asks if for us to trust him, do what we know is right, and care about each other. That choice for eternity is a critical factor that motivates the faith in God and the compassionate care for others. Visit for more information.
NCM-21 | A New Encouraging and Easy to Read Bible Version
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The 1662 Book of Common Prayer continues to serve as a potent tool for establishing new Anglican communities. Discover how its straightforward, effective liturgy guides worshippers towards deeper faith and unity.
The 1662 and You: Church Planting with the 1662 Book of Common Prayer: International Edition - The Anglican Way
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5 Powerful Prayers to St.Therese Little Flower with Litany, Rosary + Novena to Saint Therese to Share! #LittleFlower
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