The Minister of Education, Hon Erica Stanford, has appointed David Ferguson as a member of the NZQA Board and reappointed Jeremy Baker. David is the Headmaster of Westlake Boys’ High School and a member of the Minister’s NCEA Professional Advisory Group. He has held senior leadership roles at Westlake Boys High School for over 20 years, the last 15 as Headmaster. Jeremy is the Chief Executive of Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council, and has been an NZQA Board member since 2021. Lyn Provost and Pania Gray have both reached the end of their terms on the Board, with Lyn having served on the Board since 2018 and Pania since 2021. Read more about our Board members:
Welcome David Ferguson and wonderful news Jeremy Baker!
Congratulations David Ferguson
All the best Mr Ferguson
Congratulations David Ferguson!
Welcome David Ferguson
Congrats Jeremy!
Congratulations David Ferguson!
Congratulations David Ferguson - Westlake’s loss is NZQA’s gain!