Nils Biederstaedt’s Post

Power of a Strong Duo! 🌟🚚 Moving our office was a bigger task than we thought, but sometimes all it takes is two people who understand each other perfectly and work together seamlessly as a team. 💪 It's a reminder that teamwork isn't always about numbers; it's about synergy, trust, and mutual understanding. 🤝 Now, the new EGN Deutschland (Executives' Global Network) office just needs some decoration, right Stefan Völcker ? 😉 #Teamwork #Collaboration #OfficeMove #Support #people #teamworkmakesthedreamwork

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Henrik Jensen

Business Unit Director - EGN Danmark


Good to hear Nils👍 where is your new office located?

Matthias W. Schmidt

Research Analyst, Content Creator, Infobroker, Marktbeobachter, Medienbeobachter, Headhunter Startup-Scout, Fact-Checker...„Der Erfolgreichste im Leben ist der, der am besten informiert wird.“ Benjamin Disraeli


Toller neuer Standort. Na, dann wünsche ich traditionell zur Einweihung auf reichlich "Brot und Salz, Gott erhalt's.".

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