Reminder - Microbiome Data Congress free virtual event is starting soon! Dial in by 11:30 EST to catch Dr. Cedoljub Bundalovic-Torma, Senior Scientist, Bioinformatics and Data present the #SIMBACapsule data sets and learn how real time fluid biopsies from the small intestine can impact your work!
Opportunity to log in and see the latest in the #SIMBACapsule data set from Nimble Science Senior Scientist, Bioinformatics and Data Cedoljub Bundalovic-Torma at the Microbiome Data Webinar (#MDW2024), hosted by The Microbiome Times. The talk will be on Oct 17 11:30 EST, "Spatially and Temporally Precise Sampling of the Small Intestine using SIMBA capsules in Observational and Interventional Studies for Multi-omics Datasets" Cedoljub Bundalovic-Torma will delve into: 💡 Discover how our innovative #SIMBACapsules excel in delivering high-quality #smallintestinal samples and enable comprehensive #multiomics analysis. 💡 Explore the potential applications of #SIMBACapsules in observational studies, as well as short-term and long-term interventions. 💡 Learn how to leverage our pilot study services and database to advance your #microbiome research. #Free Registration: Access a wealth of knowledge without any cost. #Event Details: Date: October 17th, 6am PT/ 9am ET/ 3pm CET (Nimble Science’s presentation starts @11:30 AM EST) #Registration: Joseph Wang Sabina Bruehlmann #nutrition #Gihealth #nextgeneration #research #innovation #MDW2024