Victoria Ribton and Steve Hughes had the pleasure of attending @NIAs International Group event this week, at the Stephenson Harwood LLP offices in London. The event showcased not only the exciting opportunities within the UK nuclear industry but the global opportunities that the UK supply chain can support. It was great to attend with Gareth Wilson from our sister company NSG Environmental Ltd who was on the Decommissioning and Waste panel. Thank you to Stephanie McKenna and the Nuclear Industry Association for organising the event and to all the chair and panellist speakers for their insights into the international sectors. #UKNuclearIndustry #UKSupplyChain
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Working closely with international partners enables us to share knowledge about common opportunities and challenges to help accelerate our mission. We recently renewed our cooperation agreement with Andra - Agence nationale pour la gestion des déchets radioactifs, the French government agency responsible for managing radioactive waste, including operational disposal facilities and delivery of Cigeo, a geological disposal facility to be built in France. Signing the agreement on behalf of the NDA group, Clive Nixon, Chief Nuclear Strategy Officer, said: “We greatly value our relationship with ANDRA, our respective missions have much in common and I am delighted that the renewal of this agreement allows us to continue to benefit one another through the exchange of valuable knowledge and experience.” You can find out more about how radioactive waste is managed in the UK here:
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It’s official! We’ve given Kairos Power permits to start building two additional test reactors (and a shared power production system) at the company’s site in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Andrea Veil, head of our Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, did the official signing with Peter Hastings, vice president of regulatory affairs at Kairos. We only needed 18 months to finish our review. We applied the technical decisions we’d already reached for the first Kairos test reactor, approved late last year. We’re waiting for the company to apply for an operating license for that first facility, and we’ll continue monitoring construction activities at the site. #AdvancedReactorReady
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Yesterday, Ontario Power Generation announced the award to a joint venture between Aecon and AtkinsRéalis of a contract for the reactor refurbishment and steam generator replacement of Units 5-8 at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. This life extension program is a crucial component to Ontario’s clean and affordable energy future and therefore an essential contributor to the Province’s economic growth potential. Aecon is proud to build what matters to enable future generations to thrive, and I was proud to sign this contract with our long-standing partners OPG and AtkinsRéalis. With our exceptional team of professional staff and skilled trades, we look forward to delivering this project with world-class safety, quality, schedule and cost performance, while leveraging the strength of Ontario’s exceptional nuclear supply chain. Read more:
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Better would be only an Ultra deep geothermal power plant: This is a proposal to exploit the geothermal heat source in full to generate electricity in the range of Gig watts deep down and for the way to get there. Instead of vertical drilling a sloped tunnel is used to get to deeper layers of the earth. Advanced tunnelling machines as used for the 50 km long Gotthard Tunnel are able to reach lengths and depths never possible before. The necessary deepness (about 10 – 20 km) is determined by the temperature of the rocks. The hotter rocks provide a higher efficiency of the Carnot process. An array of smaller tunnels reaches out to a great volume of hot rocks providing a huge flow of heat. The installation of the steam turbines together with generators underground prevents energy losses of the steam on the long way up. After passing the turbines the steam rises up in a second tunnel as in a chimney, cools down, condensates to water, runs down in pipes and starts the entire process again. ... The high building costs will be rewarded by the greatest sustainable power plant with the smallest impact on the environment. It can be built in any country making them more independent from oil.
One of the highlights of my year was getting to break ground on America’s first next-gen nuclear plant in Kemmerer, Wyoming. The TerraPower Natrium plant is already helping the local economy grow, and its construction is expected to create 1,600 jobs in the years ahead. A thrilling sign of what’s to come with future projects:
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One of the foundations of nuclear power plant safety is redundancy... #nuclear #nuclearsafety
One of the foundations of nuclear power plant safety is redundancy. While the term “defense in depth” may sound cryptic, it simply means plants have multiple systems to help ensure that if one becomes unavailable, others can get the job done. That is especially true for the reactor core, where nuclear fission generates a lot of heat. One of several systems that can help cool down the reactor core is the high-pressure coolant injection system, which is capable of pumping cooling water quickly and efficiently into the vessel. Ray McKinley, a senior manager from our Region I office, made sure to put eyes on this system while he was #OnTheJob during a recent visit to the Susquehanna nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania, along with Erin Brady, one of our resident inspectors assigned to the site.
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The sheer size and complexity of this project is mind boggling but fascinating nonetheless.
Earlier this year, we shared that some exciting developments are taking place on the Hinkley Point C (HPC) project, with 16 project milestones planned for 2024. In May, the first 520-tonne steam generator for the power station arrived on site, the first of eight required. In the video below, hosted by Simon Parsons, Nuclear Island Area Director, he talks about progress on the site since the first nuclear reactor dome was lifted into place at the end of 2023. He also shares a site tour and talks about how they are getting ready to install the beating heart of the power station, the reactor, later this year. We are extremely proud to play our part in an iconic legacy project like Hinkley Point C and how it will become such a vital piece of British energy infrastructure for future generations to come. Read the full story here: #NGBailey #HinkleyPointC
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Westinghouse and the North Shore Mi'kmaq Tribal Council have signed a memorandum of understanding to promote the selection and deployment of Westinghouse technology for nuclear new build projects in New Brunswick.
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ONN team (Elin Bergner, Sarah Laderman & Marcy R. F.) highlights gaps in the EU’s Indo–Pacific Strategy, advancing a two-tiered approach of addressing Non-Traditional-Security risks alongside traditional nuclear risk reduction measures in the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium paper. Read more here:
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"The Co-Lo Conundrum" In their latest paper, Vincent Duane and WBK's Tony Clark take a deeper dive into nuclear generator colocation and customer equity considerations. This time, the two respond to a recent white paper published by the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), pointing out many shortcomings with NEI’s position. Fundamentally, NEI ignores harms that arise from colocation at existing nuclear plants if costs shift unfairly to households and other businesses and grid operators are left to manage infrastructure deficits. The importance of powering data centers cannot be denied. But any defense of a colocation arrangement must acknowledge and address the broader consequences that, when these arrangements are structured without customers in mind, inevitably fall on the rest of us. NEI’s advocacy falls short on this score. Read the white paper here: #notjustanotherlawfirm
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One of the highlights of my year was getting to break ground on America’s first next-gen nuclear plant in Kemmerer, Wyoming. The TerraPower Natrium plant is already helping the local economy grow, and its construction is expected to create 1,600 jobs in the years ahead. A thrilling sign of what’s to come with future projects:
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