The Noble Dawn Foundation’s Post

Did you know? While 77.8% of Sri Lankan students use smartphones for e-learning, only 21.3% can access computers or laptops. With your help, we’re changing this, one laptop at a time. Our upcoming project, “Laptops for Learning” will provide free laptops to university-bound students, empowering them to excel in their studies and pursue their dreams. By donating to our cause, you can help break down financial barriers and provide these students with the tools they need to succeed. Stay tuned for more information on this project!! 💚 #laptopsforlearning #bridgingthedigitaldivide #laptopdonation #educationalgap #techforeducation #donateforfuture #empowerthroughaccess #empowerthrougheducation #empowerthroughtech #educationalaccess #supportstudentsuccess #learningwithoutlimits #equipthefuture #compassioninaction #nobledawnfoundation #ndf #empoweringcommunities #onestepatatime #bettertomorrow #foundation #charity #srilanka #bettersrilanka

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