We love data - how about if people could engage with and play with your organisations impact data - transparent impact - showing you trust what you put out into the owrld as your impact - that's what we're working towards - check out this post
Imagine a world were people could play with and investigate your organisational impact data, transparently in real time. That's what we're working towards. We love a bit of data at Noise Solution - we've turned our well-being impact data over to Viz's volunteers to play with and to find interesting ways to visualise our impact in ways that the viewer can engage with - Check out this example that's just arrived in my inbox, one of about 15 different interpretations - have a play here https://lnkd.in/ep8yfvYJ Or this example where the volunteer has used Sonification (sound) to interpret our well-being impact - fascinating https://lnkd.in/eEBH4jeG @vizforsocialgood