NOMATEN published a new manuscript in Materials & Design entitled: Toward predictable phase structures in high-entropy oxides: A strategy for screening multicomponent compositions Authors: Yulin Li (NOMATEN); Haixian Yan (Southeast University), Shiqi Wang (University of Helsinki); Xuliang Luo(Aalto University), Łukasz Kurpaska(NOMATEN), Feng Fang (Southeast University), Jianqing Jiang (Nanjing Forestry University), Hyoung Seop Kim (Pohang University of Science and Technology), Wenyi Huo (Nanjing Forestry University & NOMATEN) Abstract: The recent surge in interest in high-entropy #oxides (#HEOs) as a novel class of #ceramic #materials can be attributed to the remarkable performance enhancements caused by both the complexity of their chemical composition and the simplicity of their #structure. The extensive range of components presents challenges to the implementation of HEOs, rendering it difficult to predict the phase structure prior to the final #synthesis. Herein, semi-empirical methods based on various parameters, including ΔX, VEC, ΔSmix, ΔHmix and δ, were utilized to determine the phase stability of #rocksalt, #spinel, #perovskite and #fluorite structures. The combination of δ with ΔX, VEC, ΔSmix, and ΔHmix, in graphical form, is an effective indicator for determining the phase stability of rock salt, perovskite and fluorite structures. The spinel structure is stabilized outside the range of the other three structures. The phase formation rules were further verified with two newly designed and prepared HEOs via X-ray diffraction and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The HEOs show potential for functional applications, e.g., methyl orange degradation. Read the full paper here:
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Do you remember the scene from Jurassic Park where they extract dinosaur DNA🧬🦕 from a mosquito💉🦟 fossilized in amber? Surely, at the time, you thought: Wow! 😮💡 and marveled at the possibilities it opened up. Well, inspired by that, a new research line opened and may have gone unnoticed or been overshadowed by seemingly more ambitious ones. 👩🔬👨🔬 Researchers from MIT and Cache DNA in California 🇺🇸 inspired by the millennia-long preservation of fossilized biological specimens in calcified minerals or glassy amber present T-REX 🦖. #TREX What is this? Thermoset-REinforced Xeropreservation (T-REX): a method for storing DNA in deconstructable glassy polymer networks.🎯 All the info is here: And you will find the published paper here:
Reversible Nucleic Acid Storage in Deconstructable Glassy Polymer Networks
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I am excited to share our latest publication 🔊 🔊 🔊 🔊 Together with professor David Mašín and William Fuentes, PhD, we have proposed a coupled-hydro-mechanical hypoplastic model for unsaturated fine grained soils, under #monotonic and #cyclic loading. The model incorporates the effects of suction at asymptotic states, as well as under small strains. Additionally, coupled effects are predicted using a smoothed water retention curve that realistically captures the non-linear dependency between suction and degree of saturation. Check out how hypoplastic clay models can capture the effects of #suction with our article: “Coupled Hydro-mechanical hypoplastic model for partially saturated fine-grained soils under monotonic and cyclic loading” published in #ActaGeotechnica #hypoplasticity #suction #cyclicloading
Coupled hydro-mechanical hypoplastic model for partially saturated soils under monotonic and cyclic loading - Acta Geotechnica
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Growth and pinch-off of sidearm necks: a model of dendrite fragmentation
Growth and pinch-off of sidearm necks: a model of dendrite fragmentation
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NOMATEN published a new manuscript. Title: Nucleation mechanisms of shear bands in amorphous alumina Authors: Xu Qinqin (INSA Lyon - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon; NOMATEN), Meng LIANG (INSA Lyon - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon), Guojian Lyu (Northwestern Polytechnical University), Jichao Qiao (Northwestern Polytechnical University), Chong Wei (Northwestern Polytechnical University), Wenyi Huo (Nanjing Forestry University), Stefanos Papanikolaou (NOMATEN), Claudio Fusco (INSA Lyon - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon) Abstract: The origin of the #plastic deformation in #amorphous solids is a challenging issue unlike that of the #plasticity in #crystals. Plasticity in amorphous systems can occur by the nucleation and propagation of #shear bands (SBs). In this work, we investigate the mechanical response of an amorphous alumina sample subjected to shear deformation via extensive #moleculardynamics simulations. We find SBs form only within a certain range of parameter values, e.g., low quenching rates, low temperatures and high #strain rates. In our proposed atomic-scale model shear transformation zones (STZs) first nucleate and act as precursors of SBs due to their high stress concentration. The results showed that STZs generate an anti-symmetric stress that is responsible for the vortex-like motion of atoms that facilitate the percolation of #STZs, finally forming an SB. These results provide insight into the mechanisms of plastic deformation of similar amorphous solids. Read the full paper:
Nucleation mechanisms of shear bands in amorphous alumina
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🆕 New paper published in #AgricultureMdpi! 🌱 Experimental Investigation of Magnetic Drum Separation Techniques for Dodder (Cuscuta L.) #Seed Removal from Alfalfa Seed Mixtures ✍️ by Petruţa Petcu et al. 🔍 Read more about this research: #infestedseeds #magneticseparation #parasiticweeds #waterandglycerinsolution
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#biomaterials Preparation of porous biphasic β -TCP/HA bioceramics with a natural trabecular structure from calcined cancellous bovine bone
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📖 Highly Accessed Paper – “Investigation of Photocatalytic PVDF #Membranes Containing #InorganicNanoparticles for Model #DairyWastewaterTreatment” by Zsuzsanna László from University of Szeged, et al. 👉 #PhotocatalyticMembrane #Ultrafiltration #BismuthVanadate #CarbonNanotube #TitaniumDioxide
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Thrilled to announce the published new paper intitled "Insights into structure, morphology and conductivity of the earth-abundant NASICON phosphate, Na4MnFe(PO4)3'' In this work we investigated the effect of microstructure on conductivity of earth-abundant NASICON phosphate, Na4MnFe(PO4)3. Small particle size is designed showing improved conductivity.
Insights into structure, morphology and conductivity of the earth-abundant NASICON phosphate, Na4MnFe(PO4)3
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A new concept of inoculation by isomorphic refractory powders and its mechanism for grain refinement
A new concept of inoculation by isomorphic refractory powders and its mechanism for grain refinement
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Let's make new magnets🧲 ... In #GREENE, partners will re-engineer #NdFeB based magnets at the single grain level to maximise performance and minimise overall Rare Earth content. To achieve this, Nd-Fe-B powders will be processed to novel Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets with recreated grain boundaries. These powders are highly sensitive and need to be handled in a protected atmosphere to avoid any damage or hazards, which is why knowledge exchange on handling techniques between partners is paramount. Last week, the team of Jozef Stefan Institute visited partner Technische Universität Wien to discuss handling procedures as a first step on the way to producing novel #GREENE magnets! Stay tuned for the next steps! #MagnetsMatter #HorzionEU #sustainablecrms4eu #PermanentMagnets
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